Jail/inmates/title 15 Flashcards
How often does the CERT teams train
Who initiates a CERT response? Who should get notified?
A sergeant, the Watch Commander
CERT responds to what type of incidents?
Escapes, Riots, Hostage situations, major disturbances, cell extractions, fires, natural disasters
Videos of CERT extractions/incidents are held for how long?
36 months
Peace officers may forced blood draws w/o consent or a search warrant under what conditions
-The arrestee is under arrest for a crime that was recently committed (fel &misdo)
-There is reasonable belief the arrestee is under the influence of alcohol or drugs
-The blood sample would produce incriminating evidence
-There is an emergency present
-Medical personnnel obtains blood for medical practices
All of the above
Steps taken prior to a non-consensual blood draw are:
-Medical staff shall screen the arrestee
-Determine if the person as a bleeding disorder or on blood thinners
-Determine if blood draw will adversely affect the arrestees
If the arrestee is medically cleared, the following steps will be taken for a non-consent blood draw:
A. arresting officer shall advise the booking sgt of impending forced draw
B. the booking sgt will review paperwork and determine if leagal criteria exists, notify watch commander & phlebotomist, obtain adequate number of deputies for procedure
C. obain approval from watch commander
D. Watch commander or designee shall supervise and video the incident
E.all of the above
If a blood sample is required from an inmate already hosued at MJ and the inmate refuses a court order is needed. T or F
Prior to the non-censent blood draw in the “dress in room” a padded mat shall be placed on the floor for the protection fo all persons. T or F
Inmates incarcerated who are subject to PC 296 (prints & DNA) who are sentacned and are due to be released into the public shall be tested prior to being released from jail. T or F
It is the release officer or DNA screening staffs responsibility to identify inmates eligible for release needing DNA testing & once complete entering DNA and date into remarks. T or F
Intake officers are responsible for taking inmate or court order person not in custody to appropriate medical staff for retrieval of DNA and standing by until complete. T or F
The identification officer is responsible to retrieve the thumb and palm prints in accordance with the DNA sample. T or F
The prostraint chair may be used to control physically resistive inmates and/or punish an inmate. T or F
Unless exigent circimstances that require immediate use, a supervisor shall be present and video record an inmate being placed in a prostraint chair. T or F
It is not necessary to obtain a Watch Commander’s approval when placing physical retraints on inmates exhibiting the intent to cause harm to themselves/others and or destructive behavior. T or F
A medical evaluation shall be completed within ____ of placement of an inmate in a prostraint chair. T or F
15 minutes
Additional medical evaluations on inmates in the Prostraint Chair will be conducted every_____ at a minimum:
2 hours
A mental health consultation shall be secured as soon as possible, but within___ for inmates in the prostraint chair.
6 hours
Unless extended by the watch commander for good cause, no person will be restraned in the prostraint chair for any period in excess of ___
1 hour
inmates placed in the prostraint chair will be placed in the booking loop. T or F
Custody Staff will visually observe the prisoner in the prostraint chair how often?
Twice every 30 minutes
A custody supervisor will visually observe the inmate in a prostraint chair once every____
30 minutes
continued retention in a prostraint chair beyond ___ hours shall be reviewed/approved by ___?
1 hours, Watch Commander
Prisoners restrained for a period exceeding 6 hours in a prostraint chair shall require a ____ prior to continued use of restraints.
mental health evaluation
The Sacramento County Main Jail is what type of facility (ttile 14 1006)?
type II
The Rio Cosumnes Correctional Center is what type of facility?
Type II
Work relaese is what type of facility?
type IV
Courty holding is what type of facility?
Type I
Minimum Jail standards fall under what code?
California code of regulations
Inmates must be allowed how much access to telephones in gen. pop areas?
a reasonable amount of time
Indidgent (poor) inmates must be provided enough envelopes and writing material to send how many letters in a week? (1063)
Minimum jail standards require inmate grievances resolution be made by whom (1073)?
At the lowest possible staff level
Which of the following must be segregated according to title 15 sections 1051,1052,1053?
-All communicable diseases
-all mentally disordered
-inmates prone to escape
A safety cell shall only be used to hold inmates who display behavior which results in the destrctuin of property or reveals an intent to cause physical harm to self or others(1055). T or F
A safety cell can be used for punishment or as a substitute for treatment (1055). T or F
Inmates in safety cells must have a medical review every (1055)?
24 hours
Direct visual observation of an inmate in a safety cell must be conducted and documented every? (1055)
Twice every 30 minutes
Medical assessment of an inmate in a safety cell must be conducted within a maximum of ____ hours or the next daily sick call (1055)
12 hours
A mental health opinion on placement in a safety cell must be secured within how many hours? (1055)
12 horus of placement
Continued retention of an inmate in a safety cell must be reviewed a minimum of every? (1055)
24 hours
An inmate remaining in a detox/sobering cell must be evaluated by medical staff or an evaluation by custody staff within ? (1056)
6 hours
Inmates in detox/sobering cells must be under direct visual observations every? (1056)
every half hour
Prisoners in restraints must be given medical evaluation how often? (1058)
once every 4 hours
A prisoner placed in restraints shall be under direct observations ? (1058)
Twice every 30 minutes
To keep an inmate in restraints a medical opinion shall be secured within ____ hours of placement? (1058)
continued retention in restraints shall be reviewed a minimum every ___ hours (1058)?
Minimum jail standards require how much in-service training per year for sworn officers in custodial facilities (1025)?
24 hours
Excercise and recreation will be allowed a minimum of _____ hours of such activity distributed over a period of seven days ? (1065)
How soon shall an incident report regarding physical harm or serious threat be submitted to the facility manager? (1044)
24 hours
A facility manager can restrict the number of books, newspapers, magazines an inmate can have at one time? (1066) T or F
How many meals are inmates required in a 24 hour period? (1240)
One meal a day must be hot. T or F
How long are inmates allowed to eat?
15 minutes
If more than ____ hours pass, inmates must be provided supplemental food. (1240)
14 hours
An inmate on a disciplinary diet must be fed twice in a 24 hour period. T or F (1247)
A disciplinary diet cannot go longer than ___ hours (1247)
After 72 hours of disciplinary diet, how many days must an inmate be given off of the diet?
1 day
Clothing exchange of outer-garments must be (1262)
once a week
Clothing exchange of under-garments must be
twice a week
Under garments for men are?
for woment?
Men: t-shirt and underwear
Woment:bra and 2 panties
If an inmate is to be held over 24 hours what personal care items must be issued? 1265
Sanitary napkins, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, comb, shaving implement
Inmates must be allowed to shower a minimum of? 1266
every other day
towels and linen must be exchanged how often? 1271
once a week
blankets must be exchanged how often? 1271
Once a month
inmates mail privilege can be suspended up to ___ hours for violation of correspondence regulations? 1083
72 hours
for sentenced inmates in type I facilites and all inmates in type II facilites there shall be allowed no fewer than ____ visits totaling at least ____ hours per inmate each week ? 1062
2 and 1
for inmates in type III and type IV facilities they shall be allowed ____ or more visits, totalling at least ____ hours per week? 1062
1 and 1
No inmate shall be held in disciplinary isolation for a period of time longer than ____ consecutive days without finding a new charge.
Under what code is the mandate that the sheriff runs the jail?
Penal Code 4000
Who must inspect the jails bi-annually?
The state board of corrections
What code mandates the bi-annual inspection?
PC 6030
It is a misdemeanor to not allow a person arrested three phone calls within three hours of arrest (PC 851.5) T or F
Minimum jail standards are designated by___
The board of corrections
all strip searches shall be conducted individually and in an area of privacy so that the search can be observed only by officers participating in the search. T or F
Only post conviction inmates may be strip searched without cause during normal jail operations. T or F
individualized suspicion is defined as reasonable suspicion based on articulable facts to believe that a person is concealing a weapon or contraband and strip will result in discovery of items. T or F
A strip search authorization form will be completed for every pre-conviction inmate strip searh conducted that is based on individualized suspicion. T or F
Group strip searches may be conducted on female inmates if the inmates meet the strip search criteria.
All pre-trail inmates whether detained on foleon/misdo charges many be strip search only under the follwoing conditions:
-prior to housing unit placement after a fresh arrest or the arrest involves contraband(only intake level strip require supervisor approval
-prior to placement in a housing unit after a fresh arrest when there is reasonalbe suspicion a supervisor approval is obtained
-inmates returning from med appts, court, other facility movements, shakedowns(only if individualized suspicion exists and supervisor approval is obtained)
detox cells requirements?
Medical assessments/custody eval within 6 hours and direct visual obs every 30 min
seg and safety cell requirements?
med assessment w/n 12 hours
med review every 24 hours
mental health assessment w/n 24 hours
direct obs 2X30 minutes
direct obs by sgt every 2 hours
continued retention every 8 hours
Video at NMJ or RCCC how long is the video kept?
DVR @ MJ and RCCC 25 months
handheld recording devices keep ofr 13 months if not marked held
cell extractions 36 months
less lethal incidents 13 months
use of force 36 months
fire inspection and drills how often?
RCCC quarterly
MJ monthly equipment inspections conducted monthly by SSD
Annually by fire personnel
Inmate grievance timeline for inmate’s filing from incident
inmates files w/n 5 days after incident
custody staff excepts, signs and dates
gives inmate his copy/custody staff reviews
resolves and documents how resolved/grievances are kept for 7 years
3 per day, 1 must be hot, 15 min to eat, extra meal if w/o food for 14 hours
discipline/discipline diet
An inmate will be given a copy of the write-up and will sign it
hearing held w/n 72 hours but not before 24 hours after write up unless inmate waives time requirement
hearing sgt must be different then reviewing sgt
maximum time to suspend privilges is 15 days mulitple can be served concurrently or consecutively but not exceed 30 days
if on discipline housing status medical staff will evaluate inmate every 15 days unitl inmate is off discipline
72 hour on discipline
Laundry exchange
undergarments twice a week(men-underwear shirts, socks) (Women-2 panties, 1 bra, socks
outer clothig once a week
towels once a week
blankets monthly
inmates can send unlimited amounts of mail
must privide indigent inmates w/supplies for 2 letters a week
suspended correspondence for 72 hours
12 weeks of leave over 12 month period must have been employeed for 1 yr and met 1250 hours worked within that time
employee must use all balances before using LWOP with exception of CTO
DRA 901
supervisor investigates the 901 and writes IDC within 2 weeks to watch commander
watch commander idc to division commander within 5 days
division commander reviews and forwards to ARB within 5 days
employee gets 5 days to rebut if found at fault(preventable)
IA timeline and division investigation timeline
The investigation should be completed within 75 days of receipt of the complaint
dispo recommendations should be completed within 15 days thereafter
if sustained a proposed notice of discipline shall be served within 90 days from the employees notification of the investigation
category 1 complaint should be forwarded to IA within 5 days
After an IA investigation is complete
Commander recommends discipline
Cheif deputy for review then
Undersheriff for review
Division commander- if no adverse action or leagal affairs
If undersheriff routes IA to leagal affairs for adverse action what does legal affairs do?
legal affairs prepares proposed notice of disciplinary action-within 5 days, leagal affairs routes PNDA to chief for personal servie.
10 days from receipt to request skelly hearing
skelly will take place within 30 days
undersheriff is the hearing officer
sheriff shall have final authority on discipline
employee has 15 days to appeal to binding arbitration
all hearings other than skelly(white, lubey….)
The employee has 5 days from service of notice the intended action to request a hearing from the chief in that notice. the hearing will be conducted in a mutually agreed time but shall not exceed 10 days from the request.
IA holds complaints how long?
5 years
per POBR interviews shall be done when and how long does an employee have to obtain representation?
at a reasonable hour for the employee and he gets at least 4 hours to obtain representation
Christmas and new years SCDAS 9.2
each employee shall have 4 hours off with pay on the last working day before christmas or the last working day before new years. If unable because the needs of the dept. he shall be credited with 4 hours CTO
PC 851.5 (arrested person the right to:
-each person arrested must be afforded phone calls within 3 hours of arrest
-free of charge
-3 completed phone calls
OT limit on phone calls on our off time is ____ minute increments
CVC 21055
Rules of the road exemptions for law enforcement vehicles
CVC 21056
Must drive with due regard for safety of others
What are the responsibilities of a supervisor during a vehicle pursuit? 6/02
-Acknowledge and monitor speeds, want, trafffic
- Code 4 if needed
Evidence Code 1043 pitchess motion
discovery motion for peace officers personnel records
Evidence Code 1044 pichess motion
the right to access to records of medical or psychological history
What is on a Calls A belt?
Gun, handcuffs, magazine pouch
CA Govt Code 3306
A public safety officer shall have 30 days within which to file a written response to any adverse comment entered in his personnel file. Such documents shall be attached to and accompany the adverse comment
5 Tab Divisional Investigation Sections
Routing sheet
case summary
Investigative chrono
employee history
No fraterniziing with inmates until ____ days after release from custody
On calls are limited in working how many hours?
960 retired, 1560 other oncalls
IA investigates all category 1 complaints which are:
-false arrest
-criminal conduct
-professional responsibility
Divisional investigations handle category 2 complaints which are:
-Procedural violations
PC 12031e no longer exists, but it formerly allowed what?
peace officers to check the loaded/unloaded status of a firearm
PC 26350 (a)(1)
carrying an unloaded firearm in public (ended open carry)
What are the four service areas of the sheriffs office?
-contract and regional
-field and investigtive