Įvairūs 2016 Flashcards
illiterate (a)
inferiority (n)
nepilnavertiškumas, žemesnė padėtis
Sense/fell of inferiority
nepilnavertiškumo jausmas
to flee (v)
pabėgti, bėgti (nuo pavojaus)
arcane (a)
žinomas keletai (secret and known or understood by only a few people)
curriculum (n)
mokymo planas
ceaselessly (adj)
Suspense (n)
Nežinia, netikrumas, lūkestis
corporation (n)
corporate (adj)
bendrovės (kreditoriai, klientai)
align (v)
lygiuoti, vienytis, taikyti, jungtis
instead (adv)
užuot (In the place of something previously mentioned)
consideration (n)
svarstymas, dėmesys, aplinkybė
perceive (v)
suvokti, suprasti, įžvelgti
nexus (n)
A means of connection; a link or tie
inclined (adj)
nuožulnus, nuotakus
foster (v)
skatinti, puoselėti, auklėti
impair (v)
pabloginti, pakenkti
burden (n)
našta, pagrindinė mintis
riziką sukeliantis
indispensible (a)
būtinas, nepakeičiamas
deliberate (a)
tyčinis, sąmoningas
confer (v)
suteikti, tartis, pripažinti
confer a title/degree/honour etc (on/upon)
to officially give someone a title etc, especially as a reward for something they have achieved (kažkam)
straightforward (a)
paprastas, nesudėtingas, sąžiningas (patarimas)
šalia; used to say that people or things do something or exist together at the same time; in comparison with something
Face to face with; opposite to; Compared with; in relation to
admiration (n)
susižavėjimas, pasigėrėjimas ( she was the admiration of the court; She was the admiration of all her friends)
in admiration
Daniel gazed at her in admiration.
admiration for
I’m full of admiration for the crew who handled this crisis.
admiration of
Her riding soon drew the admiration of the older girls
grudging/sneaking admiration
hat you do not really want to feel or express
suspense (n)
nežinia, netikrumas, lūkestis, laikinas nutraukimas, nežinomybė
the suspense of judgment
būsena, kai nėra priimtas sprendimas
in suspense
nežinioje (laikyti)
novelty (n)
naujumas, naujovė, naujiena
novelty of
(idėjos) naujumas
reveal (v)
atskleisti, parodyti, apreikšti, išryškinti, atrasti
revealing (n)
atskleidimas, apnuoginimas
fuel (v)
to make something, especially something bad, increase or become stronger
anticipation (n)
numatymas, laukimas, nujautimas,
do something in anticipation of something
to do something because you expect something to happen