items from lecture for 8003 final Flashcards
serotonin is made and synthesized in the
raphe nuclei and axon terminal
precursor to serotonin is
classic conditioning
results from the repeated pairing of a neutral (conditioned) stimulus with one that evokes a response (unconditioned) stimulus ( pavlovs dogs rang bell and conditioned dogs to salivate when thinking they will be fed).
Ultimately neutral stimulus evokes a response- think Pavlov’s dogs
operant conditioning
BF Skinner
Learning occurs as a result of an action
Social learning theory
o Combine operant and classical conditioning theories
o Reciprocal determinism: behavior results from interaction between cognitive and environmental factors
o Self-efficacy: capacity to adapt to threatening situations as well as normal everyday activities
o Modeling behavior
cognitive dissonance
inconsistency among a person’s beliefs, knowledge, and behavior
attribution theory
: focus on how persons perceive the causes of behavior
Neurophysiology of learning: Hull
drive reduction theory of learning
humans are drawn to behaviors that can help them achieve physical and mental equilibrium.
motivation comes from your biological need.
neurophysiology of learning: Kandel
nobel for habituation and sensitization significant contributions
led to changes in sensory pathways and the changes parallel memory process
gave rise to thinking about memory storage
connections have a definite plan but can be altered by experience
neurophysiology of learning: Habituation
think desensitization
loss of behavioral response
become non threatening
simplest type of learning
NMDA receptors
Memory: Foundations for learning is in the
hippocampus cortex and cerebellum
Memory: Learning starts when the
sense take in a stimulus from the environment
Memory: Stimulus transformed into
memory trace or memory link
Memory: Electrical impulse passes through a neuron allows
expression, thought, movement, and behavior towards a stimulus
Memory: all of this results when
Connections between synapses are formed continuously in our brains.
Somatic symptoms:
- Neurological
head traum
Somatic symptoms:
- Endocrine:
Somatic symptoms:
- Metabolic and systemic:
Somatic symptoms:
- Toxic:
Somatic symptoms:
- Nutritional:
vitamin b12 deficiency
Somatic symptoms:
6. Infectious:
viral hepatitis
Somatic symptoms:
Somatic symptoms:
- Neoplastic:
endocrine tumors
Bleuler 4 As
● Association (looseness of)
○ Thoughts are not organized well. No good stream of conscious thought
● Affective disturbances - flat affect
● Autism
○ Social awkwardness - inability to read or give appropriate social cues
● Ambivalence
○ General emotional neutrality about matters
The neuropathological basis for schizophrenia involves the
limbic systeml
limbic system always refers to
to primitive and basic functions of the brain
think hallucinations (positive symptoms)
and basal ganglia