Italy and the First World War - 1914-1919 Flashcards
Who were the original members of the Triple Alliance?
Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy
What were the benefits of remaining in the Triple Alliance?
Germany and Austria saw Italy as a great naval power - increased power in Mediterranean
Germany supported Italy financially when they claimed Eritrea
Germany would help Italy financially with military preparations
Italy were offered some lands in the Balkans
Italy would be allowed dominate the Mediterranean if the Suez Canal was taken off Britain
What were the benefits of leaving the Triple Alliance?
Many Italians were Anti-Austrian
Germany was horrified by the Italian invasion of Libya (Ottoman alliance)
Italy would not be offered the irredenta lands of South Tyrol, Trentino or Trieste
Who was in the Triple Entente?
Britain, France and Russia
Why should Italy join the Triple Entente?
Italy shares a large Western border with France
Italian African colonies share borders with British colonies and they share Somalialand
Italy had worked closely with Britain during the Mahdist War
Italy helped Britain bring peace to Sudan and Egypt
Why should Italy not join the Triple Entente?
Britain were vocally against Italy’s colonisation of Eritrea (1882)
1881 Slap of Tunis - anti-French sentiment in Italy
Treaty of London stated that Britain and France would only reward Italy she put in sufficient effort - could walk away with nothing
What happened on the 26th April 1915?
Triple Entente proposed the secret Treaty of London to Italy
What was offered to Italy in the Treaty of London?
Italy would get Trentino, Tyrol and Trieste - irredenta lands
Italy would be given Dalmatia
Italy would keep the Dodecanese islands
Italy would receive compensation according to her war effort
What happened in the socialist party in 1914?
Mussolini was expelled
When did Italy join the Triple Entente?
April 1915
How many Italians emigrated between 1871 and 1915?
5 million
What was the intervention crisis?
Debate over whether or not Italy should join WW1
Why was there an intervention crisis?
Italy declared herself neutral in 1914, Salandra and the gov were also neutral
Treaty of London divides Italy
Interventionists (pro-war) - PM Salandra, nationalist D’Annunzio
Neutralists - Mostly socialists and catholics. Maybe could have prevented war but too opposed to unite
When did Italy officially enter WW1?
23rd May 1915, King Victor Emmanuel used his emergency powers to declare war on Austria-Hungary
What happened between 1915 and Nov 1917?
12 Battles of Isonzo - 950,000 casualties
How much had Italy gained by the end of 1915?
1 mile
What happened in June 1916?
Salandra resigned and was replaced by Boselli
What happened in October 1917?
Battle of Caporetto
400,000 vanished
300,000 taken prisoner
10,000 dead
30,000 wounded