It's always weird with me guys! HEE HOO Flashcards
What’s the deal with the light’s?
And where on earth did Tom go?
He just disappeared.
But did anyone see where he went or when he left?
Hmmm… you don’t think…
Tom? No. How could he? He’s asleep half the time.
No. We’re not playing the blame game again, okay? Just try to remember what happened. Are you noticing anything weird or different in the scene?
It’s always weird and different with us, honey.
Oh. Did we stop?
Yes, we’ve stopped, dear. You can relax.
Then, where’d the music come from?
Ooh! A curse! So what, like, the play is cursed or something or- ooh! Did someone say Macbeth?
Not that I could tell, but I’ve been known to be completely clueless about what’s happening right in front of me.
Oh, Susan, dear. That’s what we love about you. So honest and self aware, yet so unaware of everything else.
That’s me!
Well, look who came back.