He hasn't taken his stuffy stuff Flashcards
Did I do something wrong?
No. You did everything just as you were supposed to.
It was me, wasn’t it? I knew something wasn’t right about my last cue.
It wasn’t you. It’s just a tech problem. They seem to be hitting all their cues in the wrong places.
But we open tomorrow! What if this happens tomorrow?
Don’t worry. Things like this always happen on the final dress rehearsal and it always straightens itself out somehow.
I am.
We are doing the best we can up here, Brett. It’s not easy, you know.
Sorry. There seems to have been a brief power surge.
You mean that was real?
What? Was that my cue?
You don’t have any more cues, Tom. You’re playing the part of the dead guy.
Aw. I thought I might still have time to make it to the taco truck before they close.
Go back to sleep, Tom. We still have thirty pages to go.
Then, why else would he be lying there with a fire poker in his chest?
Maybe she hasn’t taken her meds?
You shouldn’t say things like that, Holly.
You’re right. You can’t fix crazy.
Betty! Betty!
But it looks very familiar.
You’ve got that right.
Oh, my!
What a shame!
But how?
Come on! There is a fire poker in his chest, Richard. I think how it happened is painfully obvious!
Yeah, everyone loved Betty.
Well, that’s not exactly true.
You can say that again!
Well, someone should do something. Right?