Issues of Human Rights Flashcards
god loves mankind quote
'’god created mankind in is own image’’ > genesis
God doesn’t discriminate quote
'’There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, you are all one in Christ Jesus’’ > Galatians
Martin Luther King intigration quote
'’i have a drean that little black boys and girls will hold hands with little white boys and girls’’
rich can be good quote
'’blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness’’ > jesus > means that those who want to make the world right will be blessed
give 3 reasons why Christians would teach the dignity of human life
- God creatted all humans in ‘‘his image’’ threfore all human life is precious
- Jesus himself always treated even the outcasts with dignity
- 10 commandments show that God wants humans to be treated with dignity
give 3 Christian practices which promote human rights including equality > agape
- Work with charities abroad → tearfund
- Work with charities in Britain → Salvation Army
- Giving to charity
- Individuals fighting for equality → Martin Luther King
3 Buddhist practices which promote human rights including equality
- Work of Buddhists in charities abroad → Karuna Trust
- Thich Quang Duc → Buddhist monk who burned himself to death protesting against unjustices in South Vietnam
- Many Buddhists support Fair Trade
3 reasons why Buddhists would teach the dignity of human life
- Turtle analogy
- 1st precept → avoid harming all living beings
- Mahayana Buddhists believe has Buddha nature
3 quotes for why Christians would support the promotion of human rights
- '’speak up for those who have no voice’’ → Jesus
- '’There is nor Jew nor Gentile, nor man nor woman, we are all one in the image of Christ Lord’’
- '’Treat others as you would like to be treated’’
2 examples of conflict between personal conviction and the laws of a country
- Leading boycotts
- Marches
- Speaches
3 religous reasons why people fought the laws of the country
- Jesus sacrificed his life for the sins of mankind
- '’Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness’’
- Jesus spoke out when he saw injustice
example of conflict over freedom of religious expression
Nadia Eweids > British airway hostess not allowed to wear her crucifix visibly
example of religous extremism
- Robert Dear shot dead 3 people and injured 9 at a planned parenthood clinic
- Westborough Baptist church
3 relevant Christian teachings to do with censorship and freedom of religous expression and extremism
- '’go into the world and preach the gospel to all creation’’ → Jesus
- '’no one can get to the father except through me’’ → Jesus
- '’Love thy neighbour’’
3 relevant Buddhist teachings to do with censorship and freedom of religious expression and extreism
- Right speach
- Right mindfullness
- 1st precept → avoid harming all living beings
3 reasons why Buddhists would disagree with discrimination and racial discrimination
- Discrimination is based on prejudice which comes from ignorance one of the three poisions so is wrong
- Racial speach is not right speach
- 4th precept → be honest with speach, discrimination isnt honest
- All people are capable of enlightenment regardless of race
4 causes of world poverty
- war
- natural disaster
- corrupt governments
- lack of education