Buddhist Practices Flashcards
Give four features of a Buddhist temple and why they are important.
- The Stupa-symbolises five elements of
the earth and the stages to enlightenment top represents wisdom. It also contains
relics of the Buddha. - The Shrine room/prayer hall-holds the
shrine which reminds Buddhists of the
dharma and where offerings are made.
Meditation and mantras take place here. - Statues of the Buddha/Bodhisattvas reminder of their qualities.
- Study room-to study the dharma.
Give two similarities and two differences
between a Mahayana temple and a
Theravadan temple.
- Both have a prayer hall/ shrine room.
- Both have study rooms.
- Both have a stupa/pagoda-houses relics of
the Buddha/Bodhisattvas. - Mayahana temples have a three Buddha
hall and have statues of Bodhisattvas. - Theravada-have a Bo tree outside reminder of enlightenment.
What is a pagoda? What is a stupa? Why is
each important?
- Pagoda and stupa are on top of the
temple. Stupa is a pointed tower where
as a pagodas have squared storeys with
curved roofs. - Both contain relics.
- Stupa can be seen to represent the
elements earth, water fire, air, wisdom. It
can also be seen to represent a human bodily desires at the bottom, emotions in
the middle and the head for
enlightenment at the top.
Give two advantages and two disadvantages of
having a converted town house as a Buddhist
- Disadvantage-may not have a stupa or
pagoda on the outside so not clear it is a
temple. New Buddhists to the area may
not know where it is. - Disadvantage -May not be big enough
to house both a shrine room and study
rooms. Might have to sacrifice elements
of a typical temple lack of space. - Advantage-Not building a new temple
using up land-supports second precept of - Advantage - Buddhists can easily access it if it is in a town
Give five features of a shrine and what they represent
- Candle → Enlightenment
- Incense → Darhma spreading through the world
- Bell → law of Karma
- Water → Respect for life (because it is essential for life)
- Statue of the Buddha → Reminder of his qualities
- Flowers → show impermanence (they die yet eternity as seeds will grow again)
- Fruit → everything depends upon everything else to survive.
Three things that are offered at the shrine
- Food
- Flowers
- Candles
- Incense
Give two reasons why Puja (offering to the shrine) is important
- Reminder of the Dharma as objects on the shrine will remind people of it
- Reminder of the Buddha and what he did
- Brings the Sangha together (Meditate together, chant together, make offerings in the monks alms bowls)
- Helps Buddhists to achieve enlightenment
- Makes good Karma
Give four facts about Samatha meditation
- Calms the mind
- Focuses the mind
- Focuses on one things (breathing, walking)
- Use of Kasinas (things to focus on during meditation)
- May focus on a brahma viharas. Metta (love), Karuna (compassion), Mudita (Joy) and Upekkha (Peace)
- Used before vipassana meditation
- Done in the Lotus position
- Done in front of a shrine
- Turns negative energy into positive energy
Give three facts about Metta Bhavana meditation
- Loving kindness meditation to develop the Brahama Vihara of Metta to help achieve enlightenment
- The chant ‘‘May i be free of danger, May i be healthy, May i be happy, May i live with peace and loving kindness’’
- Is said for yourself, someone you love, someone you don’t know, someone you don’t like and all living beings
- Done in the Lotus position
- Usually not in a group
Give four Facts about vipassana meditation
- Insight meditation
- Helps Buddhists see the world how it really is
- Happens after Samatha meditation
- Helps Buddhists to reflect on personal situations and apply the three marks of existance
- Helps them develop the brahma viharas
- Done in Lotus position
Give two analogies the Buddha used to show the importance of meditation
- A handkerchief with knots in it → Our mind is like the handkerchief meditation unties these knots
- Monkeys swinging from tree to tree → Our minds are always jumping from thought to thought and with meditation our mind can stay calm and composed
Give 3 reasons why is meditation important for Buddhists
It reminds them of the dharma e.g. reflect
on this in vipassana meditation. Essential
part of the 8 fold path-right concentration
and mindfulness.
- It brings the sangha together-monks help
and guide lay people through meditation. - It is how the Buddha found
enlightenment. - It helps them to be like the Buddha and
develop the brahma viharas e.g. metta
bhavana meditation. - It calms and controls the mind-important
for right morality on the 8 fold path and
for following the five precepts
Give 3 examples of Mantras
- Om-mani-padme-hum mantra (hail to the Jewel in the lotus) → Avalokiteshvera (Boddhisatva of compassion)
- The three jewels mantra-I go to the
Buddha for refuge, I go to the dharma for
refuge, I go to the sangha for refuge. A
reminder of where Buddhists can turn to
overcome dukkha and find
enlightenment. - Metta Bhavana mantra-helps Buddhists to
reflect on this important sublime state and
the first precept-Get the right frame of
mind for enlightenment and overcoming
the three poisons
Why are Buddhists mantras important
- reminder of the dharma
- Reminder of where Buddhists can turn for help
- Reminder of the qualities of the Buddha
What is a mala
Mala is the prayer beads Buddhists use for counting mantras. There are 112 beads and three tassels on them which represent the three jewels (The Buddha, The Darhma, The Sangha)
Why are Mala beads important
- Help Buddhists to keep count of their mantras and each bead is a syllable of a mantra
- Help to remind Buddhists of the dharma - they cross the beads to remind them of getting rid of worldly attachments
- Helps to remind them of where they can go for help to find enlightenment
What does Wesak celebrate
It is the Buddhist festival of Death and Enlightenment
Give three ways Buddhists celebrate Wesak
- Light Lanterns to show enlightenment
- Pour water over the statue of the Buddha to show purity
- Walk around lit stupas
- Give to the monks for good karma
- Spend time with the monks learning the Dharma
- Some lay people take on 5 extra precepts
What does Vassa celebrate
The time the Buddha gave his first sermon (religous talk) to five holy men. It is during the rainy season
Give a way in which Vassa is celebrated
- Monks and nuns stay in the Viharas and study and teach the dharma
- Young boys may take monastic vows and stay with the monks and the nuns to study the Darhma
What is the Kathina ceremony
Kathina is the end of Vassa
This remembers when the 30 monks were on their way to the Buddha, but got caught in the rainy season and arrived late. When they arrived the Buddha gave them cloth to make robes with
Give three ways in which Kathina is celebrated
- Young boys who has stayed at the Vihara during vassa are welcomed back
- Lay people give the monks cloth
- The monks stay up at night making cloth into robes
- Lay people also give the monks other gifts to make good Karma
- Lay people give up bad habits
What is Pariniravana Day
It is a Mahayana festival
It remembers when the Buddha died and passed into Parinirvana
Give a way in which Parinirvana day is celebrated
- Pilgrimage to where the Buddha died (Kushinager)
- The Buddhist community comes together to do Puja together
- It is a solemn occasion and Buddhists retell the sutra which details the Budhha’s last days
- Some Buddhists go on a retreat and meditate during this period
Give four features of a Theravadan funeral
- Buddhists in Theravada countries think that
rebirth takes place immediately after death. - In Sri Lanka, a Theravada country, at the
funeral the family will give cloth for making new robes to the monks to transfer good
karma to the deceased person. (dharma) - They will set up a shrine to the deceased
with their portrait with offerings to the
Buddha of incense, candles and flowers.
(dharma) - The funeral ceremony - includes chanting of
verses about impermanence and there will be
a procession behind the casket which family
members will carry as a mark of respect.
(sangha) - Cremation is more common and traditional
than burial. - About a week after the person died, monks
will come to the family home to deliver a
sermon. (sangha) - Thereafter, at three months and one year,
there will be special merit-making
ceremonies for the benefit of the deceased
person. (dharma
Give five features of a Mahayana funeral
- Whisper the name of the Buddha into
the ear of the dying person - Put flower wreaths and candles
around the coffin to show enlightenment and impermanence - Rebirth does not happen
immediately. There are different
bardo states. After death, the person
becomes conscious and ready for the
next rebirth-up to 49 days after death - In Tibet there are readings from the
book of the dead to help influence the
rebirth - In Tibet there are sky burials. The
person’s body is left on the
mountains for the vultures-a lesson
in impermanence and good karma - In Japan, relatives pick out the bones
with chop sticks from the ashes.
These are kept for 49 days after death