Christian Practices Flashcards
Describe liturgical worship (5)
- It has a set pattern to it
- Follows examples of Jesus who taught his followers
- Led by vicar or Preist
- Usually takes place in a church
- May read the Bible, set prayers, take holy communion
Describe non-liturgical worship (7)
- No set patters
- Happens in Quaker worship
- Wait for Holy spirit to come upon them
- No leader
- may sit in a circle
- May talk in tongues
- It is a reminder of the penticost
Why is liturgical worship important (3)
- Follows the way Jesus worshiped
- Brings church community together
- Helps people achieve salvation and atonement
Why is non-liturgical important (3)
- Reminder of the Pentecost
- Reminder of the power of the Holy Spirit
- Reminder of personal nature to God
- It helps achieve salvation
Describe set prayers and where they are found
Normal prayers found in the Common Book of Prayer
What are extemporaneous prayers
Spontanious prayers often said in informal worship
What is informal prayer
prayers that are said at home and use informal language e.g. dad instead of Father
Why is prayer important for Christians (3)
- Jesus taught his desciples to pray
- It is the way to salvation
- Reminder of God’s greatness
What is sacrament
outward sign of an inward blessing
What are the seven sacraments in the Catholic Church?
- Mass
- Baptism
- Conformation
- Marriage
- Ordination of priests
- The anointing of sick
- Confession
Which two sacrements are recognised by most Protestant churches
- Baptism
- Eucharist
what is Eucharist
Mass / Holy Communion
Describe an infant baptism (9)
- Wear a white gown to show purity
- Public event with church community
- God parents and parents make promises
- Vicar makes the sign of cross on babies head
- Vicar pours water over babies head to wash away sin
- Vicar says ‘‘I bapitse you in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
- Given a candle
- Given a bapitsmal certificate
- The vicar announces the baby has joint the church community
Describe an adult baptism (6)
- Happens in Baptist churches
- Public event
- Believer makes the baptism vows
- FUlly subermes in water in a baptism pool
- Minister says ‘‘I baptise you in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit’’
- Given a candle
Why is baptism important (4)
- Jesus was baptised by John the Baptist
- Helps achieve salvation as it washes away original sin
- Brings the church community together
- Jesus told his desciples to ‘‘go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
Facts about Holy Communion (4)
- It is a scrament
- It is a reminder of the Last Supper
- It happens during liturgical worship
- The priest or vicar represents Jesus blessing the wine and bread
What do Catholics believe about mass
The bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus
What do Protestants believe about mass
the bread and wine sympolie Jesus’ body and blood
Why is mass important to Christians (3)
- It is a reminder of Jesus and the last supper and Jesus’ death
- It helps achieve salvation. Because it is a sacrament
- It brings the church community together
facts about Christmas (6)
- Period of 4 weeks before xmas is called advent
- An advent candle is lit each Sunday in Church
- During advent perform nativity plays, open calendars
- Christians exchange cards with religious messages and images
- Christmas Eve there is midnight mass
- Christmas Day exchage gifts
Why is Christmas important for Christians (3)
- Reminder of the Incarnation of God
- It is a reminder of Jesus’ birth
- Brings the church community together
when does lent start
40 days before Easter, Ash Wednesday
When does Holy Week start
on Palm Sunday
What happened on Palm Sunday and what do Christians do
- Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey
- Christians make crosses from palm leaves
What did Jesus do on Maundy Thursday (5) and what do Christians do (1)
- Jesus overturned te tables in the templs
- he has his last supper and is betrayed by Judas
- He washes the feet of his desciples
- He is arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane
- He is put on trial by the Jewish high priests
Now in the Catholic church, the priest washes the feet of his congregation
What happened on Good Friday and what do Christians do
Jesus is crucified, some people will reenact Jesus’ death
What happened on Easter Sunday and what do Christians do
3 women find Jesus tomb empty, showing he has rissen, Peter does not believe them. Now Christians exchange Easter eggs as a sign of new life.
Why is Easter important for Christians (4)
- It is a reminder of what Jesus did to atone for human sin, Jesus brought eternal life to make for Adam’s sin which brought death
- Reminder of eternal life ‘‘For God so loved the world that he gave his only son so that all ho believe in him
- Brings the church community together
What is a pilgrimage
It is a journey to a sacred place. An act of religious devotion
Describe the history of Taize (3)
- Started in France
- Father Roger helped German prisoners there
- He was later joined by monks from across different Christian denominations
What do pilgrims do at Taize (3)
- Pilgrims go to the church for reconciliation
- Pilgrims follow the day of the monls when they are there
- They pray together, study the Bible and chant
What type of people go to Taize (3)
- Pilgrims now are from different Christian denominations
- Many pilgrims are young adults between 18-30
Describe the history of Walsingham (5)
- A Saxon woman had vision of Mary in 1061
- Mary took her to her house in Nazareth where angel Gabriel had told her she would have Jesus
- Mary asked the womn to build a replica of her house in Walsingham
- The woman did this
- This is why Walsinghm is called the Nazareth of England
What do Pilgrims do at Walsingham (2)
- They go to the church and pray for people
- They believe the water in the church has healing powers and draw crosses on eachothers heads with it
What type of pilgrims go to Walsingham (2)
- Pilgrims from different Christian denominations
- Pilgrims from all ages
Why is Pilgrimage important for Christians (4)
- Shows their devotions
- Helps path to salvation
- Brings Christian community together
- Reminder of Jesus
Why is pilgrimagenot important for Christins
- The money could be spent in more helpful ways
- It could create a distinction between some Christians as not everyone will be able to afford it