Issues (Issues and Debates) Flashcards
Define Universality.
An underlying characteristic of human beings that is capable of being applied to all, despite differences of experiences and upbringing.
Define Bias.
The tendency to treat one individual or group in a different way from others,
Define Gender Bias.
Psychological research or theory that offers a view that does not justifiably represent the experience and behaviour of men or women (usually women). I.E the representation of one gender only.
Define Alpha Bias.
The attempt to exaggerate or overestimate the differences between the genders,
Define Beta Bias.
The attempt to downplay or underestimate the difference between genders.
Define Androcentrsim.
When men’s behaviour is the standard against women’s’ behaviour is compared. Female behaviour is often judged to be ;abnormal, ‘deficient’ or inferior by comparison.
What is important to note about gender bias?
Not necessarily a conscious process. Researchers may think they’ve been objective and value free but due to their backgrounds they may view the world in a particular way.
Give an example & explanation of alpha bias.
Sociobiological theory - explain human sexual attraction and behaviour through principal of ‘survival efficiency’.
Give an example & explanation of beta bias.
Fight/flight response - research was exclusively on male animals but results said to be universal to females
Give an example & explanation of androcentrism.
Pre-menstrual Syndrome - Objected as stereotypes and trivialises female emotion especially anger (rational response for men) - so explained in hormonal terms.
Give a consequence of gender bias (MISLEADING ASSUMPTION)
Creates misleading assumptions about female behaviour, fail to challenge negative stereotypes and validate discriminatory practices.
Using male standard makes them seem abnormal
Research may unknowingly provide a way for male dominated society to deny women opportunities.
Not just a methodological approach but may be damaging for women in real world.
Give another consequence of gender bias (RESULT OF SEXISM))
May occur in research process as a result of sexism.
Lack of women appointed senior research levels.
So female concerns may not be reflected in the research questions that are asked.
Denmark (1998) argued that this means that psychology may be guilty of supporting a form of institutional sexism that creates bias in theory and research,
Give a solution of gender bias (NON-GENDER BIAS)
Feminist commentators have suggested criteria to ensure non gender bias research. Worrell (1992) used alternate methods to explore personal lives of women.
Considering them in their natural settings, collaborating with participants to explore personally relevant variables and studying diverse samples.
This helps reduce investigator effects so producing more valid data.
Give a second solution of gender bias (INCREASE BIAS)
Recognition of the researcher’s values and assumptions = increased reflexivity.
Dambrin & Lambert (2008) - lack of women in executive positions (accountancy firms). Reflection of how gender-related experiences influence their reading of events.
Academics embracing their biases. Important in development as greater awareness of personal bias and shaping future research.
Give a third solution of gender bias (BIOLOGICAL DIFFERENCES)
Feminist psychology accept biological differences but look how to reduce them.
Eagly (1978) claims females are less effective leaders. Research concluded there needs to be development of training programmes to reduce the lack of female leaders in the world.
Demonstrates recognising gender bias can improve individuals’ experiences.
Define Culture Bias.
Overlooking culture differences by looking at human behaviour from the perspective of your own culture.
Define Ethnocentrism.
A type of cultural bias that involves judging others by the standards and values of one’s own culture.
Define Cultural Relativism.
The idea that human behaviour can only be meaningful and understood within specific social and cultural contexts.
Define Imposed Etic.
A test, measure or theory devised in one culture that is used to explain behaviour in another culture.
Define Research Tradition.
The familiarity a certain culture has with taking part in psychological investigations.
Define Collectivist Culture.
Refers to cultures such as India and China that are said to be more conformist and group-oriented.
Define Individualistic Culture.
Refers to Western countries (like the US) that are thought to be more independent.
Define Etic Approach.
Studying behaviour across many cultures in order to find universal human behaviours.
Define Culture Bound Syndromes.
Groups of syndromes classified as treatable illnesses in certain cultures that are not recognised as such in the West.
Define in Emic Approach.
Studying cultures in isolation by identifying behaviours that are specific to that culture.
Research & theories are is usually proposed and performed by white middle class men. Why is this a problem?
Restricted to particular parts of the world. - psychologists say we’ve discovered ‘facts’ and said they’re universal.
Asch & Milgram - Different results when carried out elsewhere.
Norm of one culture = standard but differences in behaviour elsewhere would be ‘abnormal’ (culture bias)
Give an example of ethnocentrism.
Strange Situation - American infants were ideal under the ‘securely attached’ category.
Misinterpretation of child rearing practices elsewhere (Germany/Japan)
Inappropriate measure of attachment for non-US children.
How is the Strange Situation an example of imposed etic?
Assuming it was the ‘norm’ for classifying attachment, Ainsworth imposed her own cultural understanding on the rest of the world.
Describe Berry’s distinction made about approaching human behviour.
Psychology is guilty of imposing an etic approach.
Theories, models and concepts thought to be universal but they came through emic research in a single culture.
Psychologists should be more mindful of cultural relativism of their research. It only makes sense from perspective of culture they were discovered.
Recognising cultural relativism, cultural bias in research can be reduced.
Give examples of cultural relativism.
Schizophrenia Auditory Hallucinations (West Africa Vs. UK)
Brain Fag - Difficulty concentrating, remembering and thinking (West Africa)
Koro - belief that the penis is retracting into the body (China)
Anorexia - not found in many other non-western cultures.
Give a consequence of culture bias (DIFFERENT CULTURE ATTITUDES)
- Significant real-world effects by amplifying and validating damaging stereotypes.
- US Army did IQ test before WW1 (culturally bias towards dominant white majority).
- Showed African American bottom of IQ.
- Negative effect on attitudes towards them.
Give a consequence of culture bias (UNIVERSAL & CULTURALLY SPECIFIC BEHAVIOUR)
All research isn’t culturally relative as some thought to be universal behaviours. Caregiver-infant interactions (interactional synchrony) thought to be universal. Full understanding of human behaviour requires study of both universal and culturally specific behaviour,
Give a solution of culture bias (REPRESENTING OTHER CULTURES)
A way to deal with cultural bias is to recognise when it occurs. Smith & Bond (1998) survey of European textbooks on social psychology found 66% were American, 32% European and 2% rest of the world. Suggests research is severely unrepresentative and can be greatly improved by selecting different cultural groups.
Give a solution of culture bias (BECOME MORE OPEN-MINDED)
Contemporary psychologists more open-minded & well travelled
Increased understanding of other cultures (personally & professionally).
E.G. International conferences increase the exchange of ideas. Helps reduce ethnocentrism and enables more nuanced understanding and appreciation of cultural relativism.
Give a solution of culture bias (CULTURE-BOUND SYNDROMES)
1994 DSM included short appendix on CBS found in other parts of the world. Now includes illnesses like brain fag and koro. Early versions of American DSM ignored mental disorders found mainly/exclusively in non-American cultures. Therefore there’s been more awareness of cultural bias and works to reduce it.
Define Ethical Guidelines.
A set of principles set out by the BPS to help psychologists behave with honesty and integrity.
Includes protection from harm, informed consent and right to withdraw.
Define Ethical Issues.
Arise when one or more ethical guidelines broken and when conflicts exists between rights of participants in and goals of researchers to produce authentic, valid and worthwhile data.
Define Ethical Implications.
Impact of psychological research in terms of the rights of other people (especially participants). Includes at a societal level, influencing public policy and/or in the way in which certain groups of people are regarded.
Wider context - positive or negative implication
Define Social Sensitivity.
Studies where there are potential consequences/implications either directly for the participants in the research or for the class of individuals represented by the research.
Give an example and negative ethical implication of a scientific study.
Milgram (1963) - (‘end justifies the means’). Participants deceived so unable to give fully informed consent. Also caused significant distress and participants were told told/coerced to continue against their will.
BUT follow-up 1 yr later = no long-term effects.
How could Milgram’s Study have had positive ethical implications?
Showed Germans weren’t different and may have helped change perception of those who followed Hilter as ‘evil’.
So been useful in reducing negative labels attached to a nation. Also helpful in understanding how people are made to obey.
Give negative ethical implication of a theory.
Bowlby’s Monotopic Theory
No ethical issues. But suggests children from special attachment bond. AND that this bond affects future relationships (internal working model)
Encouraged view mother’s place is at home. Makes mother’s feel guilty for wanting to return to work following childbirth.
How could Bowlby’s Theory have had positive ethical implications?
Contributed to development of child rearing practices.
How is Milgram’s Obedience Study Socially Sensitive?
The findings of the study could be used to make people obey orders that they do not want to follow. This could have severe ethical implications.
How is Bowlby’s Monotropic Theory Socially Sensitive?
It could be used to make mothers stay at home out of guilt and fear of being judged by others.
What did Sieber and Stanley do in 1988?
Identified 4 aspects in the scientific research process that raise ethical implications in socially sensitive research. They should be ideally considered before research is carried out.
Name the 4 aspects in the scientific research process that need to be considered.
The Research Question
The Methodology Used
The Institutional Context
Interpretation and Application of Findings
Describe ‘The Research Question’.
Researcher must consider their question carefully. Asking Qs like ‘Are there racial differences in IQ?’ or ‘Is intelligence inherited?’ may be damaging to members of particular groups.
Describe ‘The Methodology Used’.
Researcher needs to consider the treatment of the participant, their right to confidentiality and anonymity. E.g if someone admit to committing a crime, should the confidentiality be maintained?
Describe ‘The Institutional Context’ .
Be mindful how data is going to be used and consider who is funding the research. If the research funded by a private institution or organisation, why are they funding the research and how do they intend to use the findings.
Describe ‘Interpretation and Application of Findings’.
Need to consider how findings might be interpreted & applied in real-world.
Could data/results be used to inform policy? Could research be seen as giving ‘scientific’ credence to prejudice and discrimination?
What could happen if the research was used for the wrong purpose?
Describe Cyril Burt/what he did.
Used identical twins to support view that intelligence is largely genetic.
Greatly influenced the Hadow Report (1926). Led to the 11+ exam (1944-1976).
Generations of children were affected by the 11+ exam, despite huge controversy whether Burt falsified his research data.
How does Cyril Burt’s research link with Sieber and Stanley’s stages?
‘Research Question’ - Intelligence (damaging)
‘Methodology Used’ - Data was fabricated
‘Institutional Context’ - University of Liverpool + London City Council (Be mindful of intended use)
‘Interpretation & Application of Findings’ - Creation of 11+ despite controversy.
Give a limitation of ethical implications (SUPPORTING DISCRIMINATORY PRACTICES)
Socially sensitive research has supported discriminatory practices.
America (1920’s + 1930’s), approved compulsory sterilisation laws of ‘feeble-minded’.
Based on research suggesting people ‘unfit to breed’. Shows socially sensitive research has negative impacts and used inappropriately to ‘support’ discriminatory practices.
Give a limitation of ethical implications (RESEARCH THAT’S IMPORTANT)
Psychologists free to carry out research important to them. Problematic if governments prohibit certain ones (race-related research) due to social sensitivity. Danger research stopped for political than ethical reasons. May need to be more mindful that the benefits of the social sensitivity research must outweigh the costs.
Give a strength of ethical implications (BENEFITS SOCIETY)
Socially sensitive research can benefit society. Promote more sensitivity & understanding of underrepresented groups and issues.
E.G effect culture bias has on schizophrenia diagnosis regarding auditory hallucinations experienced by African and West Indian individuals.
Reduces prejudice and encourages acceptance demonstrating positive outcomes of socially sensitive research.
Give a strength of ethical implications (PREVENTING MISCARRIAGES OF JUSTICE)
Prevent miscarriages of justice within the legal system. Research into unreliability of eyewitness testimony (Ronald Cotton) shows socially sensitive research valuable role & positive consequence. This is despite negative impacts on individuals in EWT trials.
Give a strength of ethical implications (REALISATION OF ISSUES)
Realisation of issues has meant researchers are more reflexive. Includes thinking more about what the research findings are likely used for. As a result, more responsibility taken for findings and ensuring work done doesn’t lead to abuse/discrimination.