Issues and debates: the nature-nurture debate Flashcards
Aways talk about them as a debate, comparative language
Define nature
refers to all of the genes and hereditary factors that influence who we are – from our physical appearance to our personality characteristics
Define Nativism
the nature side of the debate- we are born this way
Define Heredity
the genetic transmission of mental and physical characteristics from one generation to the other
Define nurture
Refers to all the environmental variables that impact who we are, including our early childhood experiences, how we were raised, our social relationships, and our surrounding culture
Define empiricism
the nurture side of the debate- we become that way through experience and environmental factors
Describe nature
- Behaviour has its roots in physiology i.e. our genes and the functioning of our bodies (hormones, nervous system)
- Those who stress nature reduce behaviour to biology, specifically the influence of genes, physical factors and what we are born with
Describe nurture
- Behaviour is largely driven by environmental influences i.e. our environment (learning, socialisation, social norms etc).
- Those who stress nurture reduce behaviour to the social environment and claim we learn most of our behaviour from our environment- complete with its interactions
Describe the interactionist approach
- This suggests that the true answer to the nature –nurture debate, is that in reality both nature and nurture influence behaviour e.g. phenotypes
- They may suggest that key genes may give individuals genetic predispositions to certain behaviours e.g. potential; however this is moderated by environmental forces e.g. opportunities
- The best example of this comes from clinical psychology and the DIATHESIS-STRESS APPROACH
Describe the ancient debate
The debate goes back a long way. Before the beginnings of modern Psychology there was a philosophical debate between the empiricists and the nativists.
The empiricists believed that the human infant is born with no knowledge or skills –John Locke’s view of the mind as a ‘tabula rasa’ or blank slate on which experiences are written. We acquire knowledge through experience and instruction.
The nativists believed that we are born with most of the qualities we will display as an adult – our character and predispositions are innate. Some philosophers such as Plato and Descartes suggested that certain things are inborn, or that they occur naturally regardless of environmental influences.
Describe the heritability co-efficient
Heritability co- efficient is used to assess heritability (value of 0-10 -with 1 meaning entirely genetics determined behaviour)
e.g IQ is accepted to be 0.5 ( Plomin 1994) – suggesting both a genetic and environmental importance in IQ
It is hard to detangle NATURE AND NURTURE influences.
Many psychologists take an INTERACTIONIST APPROACH in this debate and will now ask what is the RELATIVE CONTRIBUTION of nature and nurture influences
Use examples and the heritability coefficient to explain the interactionist approach
Models of mental illness which emphasises the interaction between nature and nurture tend to be most persuasive…
Diathesis – stress model suggests that both nature & Nurture are critical for mental illness e.g
This is a model suggests that psychopathology is caused by a biological/genetic vulnerability
(the diathesis) which is only expressed when coupled with an environmental ‘trigger’ (the stressor).
This is emphasised in Gotteman’s research that found from a family & twin study that MZ twins have a 0.48 heritability coefficient for SZ.
This suggests that genetics cannot be the only reason for the disorder as it would be a heritability co efficient of 1 if it was totally due to genetic heritability so there must be a relative contribution of nature AND nurture influences ( hence the interactionist view)
Describe epigenetics in relation to the interactionist approach
This refers to a change in our genetic expression without changing our genetic code.
It is process that happened throughout life and is caused by INTERACTION with the environment.
Events we encounter (from smoking to pollution and war) leave epigenetic ‘marks’ on our DNA.
These ‘marks’ tell our bodies which genes to ignore and which to use and these may go on to influence the genetic codes of our children as well as their children!
Epigentics therefore introduces a 3rd element into the nature-nurture debate: the life experiences of previous generations.
Epigenetics research Ressler and Dias (2014)
Lab mice trained to fear a chemical the scent of which has been compared to those of cherries and almonds.
Wafted the scent around a small chamber, while giving small electric shocks to male mice.
The mice eventually learned to associate the scent with pain, shuddering in the presence of acetophenone even without a shock.
This reaction was passed on to their pups. Despite never having encountered acetophenone in their lives, the offspring exhibited increased sensitivity when introduced to its smell, shuddering in its presence
A third generation of mice — the ‘grandchildren’ — also inherited this reaction, as did mice conceived through in vitro fertilization with sperm from males sensitized to acetophenone.
Pups and grandchildren even had more olfactory (sensory) neurons sensitive to this scent
Evaluation point for nature-nurture debate: evidence
Point - There is evidence that shows nature drives much of our behaviour
Evidence - Nestadt’s (2010) review of twin studies found a concordance rate of 0.68 for MZ twins but only 0.31 (or 31%) for DZ twins in cases of OCD. This indicates that because MZ twins share 100% of their genetics but DZ only share 50% , there should be a higher rate of concordance in MZ twins if genes have a major part to play in passing on the disorder.
As 0.68 ( 68%) concordance in MZ twins is a higher genetic transmission than 0.31( 31 %) in DZ twins, this supports the claim.
Link back - This evidence implies genes must have a very significant part to play in the acquisition of behaviours as there is objective data to support this claim.
Evaluation point for nature-nurture debate: flawed evidence
Point - However, this evidence is flawed in its support of nature
Evidence - For example if OCD was completely genetic there should be a 100 % concordance rate for OCD in MZ twins ie. if one MZ twin has OCD so should the other twin as they are genetically 100% identical.
Elaboration - This is however not the case, the concordance rate is very high in MZ twins but as indicated in Nestadt ‘s study, there was only 0.68 ( 68%) concordance but certainly not 100% . This means environmental influences must have had a part to play in order to modify the likelihood of one of the twin pairs getting OCD. This indicates for some MZ twins, the genetic predisposition for a disorder can actually be modified by the influence of nurture.
Link back - Hence, this evidence offers less than convincing support for nature arguments as they cannot provide the full picture about why we acquire behaviour.