Approaches: Biological Approach Flashcards
Main assumptions of the biological approach
All behaviour is driven by physical factors. Emphasises nature in shaping our behaviour H suggests that genetic factors, biological structures and neurochemistry drive our behaviour most scientific approach, using precise measurements to increase validity and valuably.
Define evolution
The gradual change within a speciover several generations in response to environmental pressures
Define natural selection
Process where inherited characteristics that enhance survival are passed on to the next generation
This occurs over thousands of generations
Define adaptive
Refers to a benaviour or trait that will increase chance of survivalrepradalentestsessssesses
Seligman (1971) - biological preparaness
Suggested there was a biological preparanessl to phobias of certain things. it is not the tears them selves that are inborn but rather the tendency to rapidly acquire a phobia to potentially harmful phenomena
(E.g. Spiders, heights etc)
Define genotype.
Genetic constitution of an individual. The variation in human genotype (0.1%) can account for enormous variation
Define phenotype
A set of observable characteristics of an individual resulting from interaction of its genotype within the environment
Why are twin studies used to study genetic influences?
In twin studies, monozygotic twins are genetically identical whereas dizygotic twins share 50% of their DNA. So, if we find that MZ twins are far more similar than DZ twins we can say that it is due to genetics, because they share the same environment and the only difference is greater genetic similarity.
Explain genetic inheritance and OCD
OCD is a polygenetic condition and individuals with candidate genes are likely to develop OCD.
Nedstadt (2010) found a concordance rate of 67% for MZ twins but only 31% for DZ twins.
Summarise findings of Raine et al (1997)
• Used pet scansto identify areas of murderers brains(who pleaded not guilty for reasons of
• reduced activity in the pre-frontal cortex, amygdala and hippocampus
• abnormal assymmetries- reduced activity on the left and greateractivity of the right hemisphere
Evaluation point for the biological approach: useful to society
P: the biological approach has made significant contributions to help society including accessible ways to treat mental health problems
E: insights from biological approach has given us knowledge into the causes of mental disorders. Is such effective drug treatments have been developedthat are quick acting for many disorders
E: for example, antipsychotics, given to patients suffering from schizophrenia can quickly stabilise behaviour in up to 85% of patients.
L: This suggests that the biological approach is ultimately benefit of society and can be seen as extremely useful. 
Evaluation Point: Lack validity due to Evolutionary discontinuity
P: A lot of research and knowledge gained from the biological approach is taking place on non-human animals.
E: Animal research is often criticised by evolutionary discontinuity. This means that humans have qualitative differences to all of the species which means animal research cannot be generalised to humans effectively.
E: For example, humans have a language acquisition device in their brain that no other animals possess. This makes human behaviour unique.
L: This suggests that the biological approach may lack validity and questions, the moral and ethical implications above the next research. 
Evaluation Point of the biological approach: extremely scientific
P: The biological approach is praised for being extremely scientific.
E: The biological approach uses both objective and falsifiable methods to help identify biological roots of behaviour
E: For instance, neurotransmitter levels can be objectively measured through cerebrospinal fluid, as well as carefully, examining urine.
L: This suggests that the biochemical actions suggested are likely to be trustworthy and reliable deserving of respect and government funding 
Evaluation Point for biological approach: credible evidence
P: there is lots of credible evidible to support The biological explanation
E: E.G. Maguire – using fMRI scans discovered that London cabbies have developed more grey matter in the hippocampus than matched controls. Also that are positive correlation existed – the longer they had been a taxi driver, the greater the structural differences in the hippocampus. This suggests the approach has evidence to validate its claims and can be seen as falsifiable.
Evaluation Point: methodological issues (cannot establish cause and effect)
biological approach
P: however, many studies in the biological approachI havemethodological issues.
E: for example, teubar (1975) younger soldiers with brain damage recovered more than older soldiers (60%under 20 showed big improvement compared to only 20% over 26)
E: negative correlation between age and correlation. However, this does not show cause and effect - we cannot assume age was the key factor that reduced plasticity- could be due to other factors like the conflict witnessed.
L: this means we cannot establish cause and effect, reducing the validity of the biological approaches:
what are neurotransmitters?
Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers released by a pre-synaptic
neuron and passed to a post - synaptic neuron when they connect at a
synapse. If the receiving neuron contains the correct receptors then the
neurotransmitters will dock via a lock and key system. If the neurotransmitter is inhibitory it will
make the receiving neuron less likely to fire (thus decreasing activity in the brain) whereas if it has
an excitatory function it will make the neuron more likely to fire (thus increasing activity in the