Issues and Debates Flashcards
Gender Bias
What does universality mean?
Any underlying characteristics of human beings that is capable of being applied to all despite differences of experiences and upbringing
Gender bias
What is alpha bias and give examples in psychology
Alpha bias: research that focuses on differences of men and women and presents a view that the differences are exaggerated
example;: electrla complex and odepious complex (girls morally inferior to boys)
=negative consqeunce has it can cause prejudices and sterotypes
Gender bias
What is beta bias?
When psychological research downplays the differnces between men and women
example: fight and flight is used univerally to explain the fearb response of humans, but taylor found that women to ‘tend and befriend’
consequence: considered an egalitarian approach as it causes major misrepresentations of both genders.fear responses
other examples: role of the father and the mothers role in attachment
Gender bias
What is andocentrisim
when research is centred around males so normal behaviour is judged to a male standard
Examples: Kolhberg and his moral development stages (all male sample and had looked at male moral reasoning) and then genrealised it to women and claimed women that women reached a lower standard, which is an example of andocentricsm
Gender bias
What 3 ways can gender bias occur in research
- Male samples can be genralsied to women (studies like milgram, zimbrado, asch)
- take male behaviour as standard (andocentricsm) (examples: kolhberg etc)
- Biological differences empthaised, understeimates role of social and cultural factors
example of biological differences: womens mental helath looked at a biological level like hormones but not a social one
Gender bias
How are some research methods biased
there are 3
Institutional sexism: men dominate at a senior level, research follows a male concerns, female concerns not researched enough
Standardised procedures: women and men may react differently to situations, they may be treated differntly (investigator bias) a consequence is that it can create artifical biases
Dissesmination of research results : publish postive results (ones that show a difference between genders)
Gender bias evaluation
Sexism in research
P: female psychology student outnumber male students, however in univeristy departments and at a senior research level women are outnumbured by men (murphy)
a consequence of that research is more likely to be conducted by women. Nichelson sugguested that resaerchers may believe that women are irrational and may be unable to finish tasks, as a result women are more likely to underperform on tasks.
resrachers could identify their own biases
Gender bias evaluation
Biology and gender sterotypes
- Maccoby and jacklin: conducted gender studies and found that girls have supeior verbal ablities and that boys have superior spatial ablities
- this resaecrh was popular as it fit popular gender sterotypes
- consequence of this may have been that girls may have not been encouraged to do certain jobs
- however joel et al found that there were no sex differences in brain structures or processing
- however we shouldn’t fully ignore biology as ingalhalikar found that women had more connections between both hempisheres comapred to men (mulititasking)
Gender bias evaluation
- Research that doesn’tfind differences may not be publsihed
- Formanowicz anaysled 1000 studies and found that gender studies were less funded and were less lkley to be pubslihed in prestigous journals
Gender evaluation
Biomedical explanation of mental health
- Approaches mental illness at a neurochemical and hormonal level
- when it comes to explaining depression in women, it ignores the social factors like domestic violence, discrimintion etc)
Gender bias evaluation
Ways to reduce gender bias in research
-The feminist prespective
this involves
Re-examining the ‘facts’ about gender.
View of women as normal humans, not deficient men.
Skepticism towards biological determinism.
Research agenda focusing on women’s’ concerns.
A psychology for women, rather than a psychology of women.
Cultural bias
What is culture?
system of beliefs, values, attiutidues and practsies shared by a group of people
eg child-rearing practicies, gender roles
A subculture is a group that differs to the dominant culture in their with their own beliefs
Cultural bias
What is cultural bias
Is the tendency to judge people in terms of of one’s own cultural assumptions
Cultural bias
What did Berry say and what is cultural relativism
Berry said:psychology has been guilty of an imposed etic approach, sugguesting that theories, models and concepts are universal.
Cultural relativism: idea that research can applied in a meaningful and understood within specific social and cultural contexts
Cultural bias
What is an émic construct (Berry)
A construct that is applied to only one cultural group
this often focuses on the uniqueness of a culture and culturally specfic phenomnea, so results from such studies are genralised to that culture
Cultural bias
What is the emic approach
- refers to the investigation of a culture from within the culture itself
- for example research of European society from a European perspective is emic
- so the reserach has more ecological validity as they are less likley to be affected by differences beyween those being studied and the researcher
Cultural bias
What is an etic construct
- the notion that dea that is assumed to apply in all cultural groups.
- so this means that teh findings can be applied universally
- they also believe that most human behavior is common around the world
Cultural bias
What is an imposed etic
believes that research can be applied to all cultures.
Cultural bias
What is a consequence of imposed etic
ethnocentrism: occurs when researcher assumes
their own culturally specific practices or ideas are the norm
an example of this is the strange situation
other cultures child rearing practices deviated from the norm in america. For example more children in Japan were insecurlaly attached, this may have been due to child rearing practisicing being different in japan compared to america