Issue of Diversity: Race/Ethnicity, Gender, Class, Sexual Orientation, and Age Flashcards
Historical Originals of Culturally Competent Practice: Settlement House Movement
in the 1890s, immigration cities such as Boston, New York, and Chicago were centers of Settlement House work focusing on rapid Americanization of immigrants
What was the primary goals of the Settlement House Movement?
rapid assimilation into American society of newly arrived White ethnic groups
launched numerous social action initiatives designed to reduce the hardships and exploitation of experienced immigrants
Historical Originals of Culturally Competent Practice: Social Work Commitment to Social Justice
inclusion of content on African-Americans in the training of social workers
What was the St. Louis School of Economics?
first formal curriculum including social services to Blacks
Historical Originals of Culturally Competent Practice: What did early social work try to address?
exclusion of Blacks and other racial minorities from welfare, opposed Jim Crow laws, and later participated in the civil rights struggle
When did social work change focus on racism and switched to mental health treatment?
When did social work practice begin to focus on civil rights practice and education?
during the civil rights struggles in the 1960s
What has been the focus of social work practice in recent times?
emphasis on clinical services and individual treatment
Professional Organizations and Structures: Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)
accrediting body for social work education made minority concerns a priority and content on vulnerable populations mandatory after 1970
What does Section 1.05 say in the NASW code of ethics?
sets the expectation that social workers are knowledgeable about cultural differences and diversity, use a “strengths” perspective, are competent in the provision of services to vulnerable populations, and obtain training and education
What does Section 4.02 say in the NASW code of ethics?
addresses social justice issues
social workers should not condone, facilitate, or collaborate with any form of discrimination
What does Section 6.01 and 6.04 say in the NASW code of ethics?
require social workers to advocate for all clients with regard to advancing cultural diversity
How are minorities defined within the NASW code of ethics?
race/ethnicity, national origin, color, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, political belief, religion, and mental/physical disability
What do the scope of programs look like for minorities?
failed to serve diverse communities adequately
mental health services experience excessively high attrition rates, and termination often occurs after the first interview
inadequate or limited treatment and are over-represented in agencies of social control
Scope of Programs: Risks to Disadvantaged of Vulnerable Populations
serious psychiatric disorders due to relocation stress and removal from family and familiar surroundings
racism, and discrimination, poverty, and lack of access to resources heighten the risk of disorders for vulnerable populations
Scope of Program: Asset-based Practice
explores community’s cultural assets as well as deficits
focus on assets contributes to more effective outcomes for members of the dominant culture
one in three adults use natural forms of healthcare
substantial discrepancy across all racial/ethnic groups in the definition of mental health
Definitions: Culture
integrated patterns of human behaviors that include thought, communication, actions, customs, beliefs, values, and institutions of a racial, ethnic, religious, or social group
Definitions: Diversity
refers to social groups not easily subsumed in the larger culture
the groups differ by socioeconomic status, gender, sexual orientation, age, and differential ability
Definitions: Ethnicity
a group classification in which members share a unique social cultural heritage passed on from one generation to the next
Definitions: Race
concepts first appeared in the English language 200 years ago
it has tremendous social and political significance and can be defined as a subgroup possessing a definite combination of physical characteristics of a genetic origin
Definitions: Worldview
a significant and integral concept in assessing mental health status, assisting in assessment and diagnosis, and in designing treatment programs
Definitions: Cultural Competence
individual practitioner: ability to function with cultural differences
institution: practice skills, attitudes, policies, and structures that are joined in a system, in an agency, or among professionals and enable that system, agency, or group of professionals to work with cultural differences
What are elements of cultural competence for the individual?
Awareness and acceptance of differences
Awareness of one’s own cultural values
Understanding the dynamics of difference
Development of cultural knowledge
Ability to adapt practice skills to fit the cultural context of the client’s structure, values, and service
What are elements of competence for the organizaiton?
Values Diversity
Values Diversity
a diverse staff, policies that acknowledge and respect differences, and an organization that regularly initiates cultural self assessments
the organization has integrated diversity into its structure policies and operations
Communication: Hall’s Theory of Communication
highlights communication styles found in different cultural groups
Hall’s Theory of Communication: Key Dimensions of Communication
Space and Tempo
Verbal Messages
Social Roles
Interpersonal Relations
Social Organization
Hall’s Theory of Communication: High Context Styles of Communication
associated with “minority” cultures in the U.S.
High Context Styles of Communication: General Characteristics
reliance on contextual cues, flexible sense of time, social roles shape interactions, more personal and affective, oral agreements binding, intuitive
Hall’s Theory of Communication: Low Context Styles of Communication
associated with Northern European, white American cultural groups
Low Context Styles of Communication: General Characteristics
formal, complex codes
disregard for contextual codes
reliance on verbal forms of communication
highly procedural
relationships functionally based
linear logic
Hall’s Theory of Communication: Clinical Considerations
conflicting communication styles can lead to cross-cultural misunderstanding
all cultures exhibit great diversity within themselves; clinicians must avoid cultural stereotyping to allow responses to a wide range of differences
inflexible stereotypes of cultural group inhibit practice
Theory: Theoretical Tensions and Dilemmas
theoretical models organized information for culturally competent practice due to a reluctance to integrate new knowledge and skills, as well as value conflicts regarding stereotyping, which contribute to negative perceptions of diverse or vulnerable groups
Theory: The Universal vs. The Specific
major tension reflects democratic values embedded in U.S. society
though we are all equal under the law, we are not all the same
acknowledging differences creates conflicted thinking
The Universal vs. The Specific: Two Concepts that Highlight this Conflict
Etic: characteristics of a particular group seen as universal and generalized
Emic: characteristics of a particular group seen as specific to a given group
The Universal vs. The Specific: Strategic Practice Issues
awareness of characteristics that make groups distinct from other groups and influence communication patterns
understanding of behaviors that are typical or that vary form the norm, but are not necessarily deviant or extreme
What extremes should be avoided to create balanced cultural assessment?
only universal aspects matter; there is not need to acknowledge differences
differences in groups are deterministic
Theory: Theoretical Tensions and Dilemmas: Assessment Model – dimensions of personal identity
variation of the Life Model and Ecological social work practice
considers key characteristics of clients and the impact of social, cultural, environmental variables
Assessment Model: Dimension A
includes age, culture, ethnicity, gender, language, physical ability, race, sexual orientation, social class
individual characteristics are inborn; few controls over change
sociological concept
Assessment Model: Ascription
power and status are ascribed and not achieved through merit
Assessment Model: Dimension B
includes educational background, geographic location, income, marital status, religion, work experience, citizenship status
individual characteristics: a consequence of other two dimensions - social position and achieve status are related
involves access to resources whose availability is determined by social position and historical moments
Assessment Model: Dimension C
considers the historical contexts in which individuals live
contextualizes individual lives
notes the environment impact on the individual
Theoretical Approaches to Culturally Competent Social Work Practice: Information Management
a second major dilemma – potential barriers to acquiring cultural competence skills
generally two distinct approaches which can lead to dichotomized, polarized thinking
Theoretical Approaches to Culturally Competent Social Work Practice: Epistemological
underscores importance of attending differences
addresses underlying assumptions about knowledge
Epistemological: Social Constructionism
derives from social psychology
social context of knowing and interpreting
-meanings arise in particular settings and traditions
-knowledge is historically and culturally situated
-questions assumptions of absolute categories
-deemphasizes the culturally universal, the Etic
Epistemological: Constructivism
a philosophical position that influences individual clinical and family work since the mid-1980s
knowledge is seen as creation of the observer interacting with the environment
reality is constructed and interpreted through cultural, social, and ideological lenses
no objectivity or value-free knowledge
constant analysis of practitioner bias
Epistemological: Strengths
focus of attention is the difference between provider and client
acknowledges the presence of bias, stereotypes, racism, and oppression that is institutionalized in traditional approaches
encourages openness, rejects bias, and promotes open inquiry
Epistemological: Weaknesses
esoteric, abstract, and confusing
can drift into mindless relativism
fosters denial of individual responsibility for behavior
Theoretical Approaches to Culturally Competent Social Work Practice: Anthropological
the usual manner in which cultural competence is taught
cultural orientation practitioners are alerted to norms, and behavioral and emotional signals
Anthropological: Strengths
provides in-depth knowledge about a group
provides confidence in working with a group
Anthropological: Weaknesses
can lead to shallow, stereotypical thinking
can lead to a belief that group/cultural characteristics are deterministic; denies variation within the group
training programs cannot address every group in American society as there are too many
can fail to recognize that culture evolves over time
Anthropological: Balancing Both Perspectives
training and education require an integration of both approaches: a way of approaching clients and specific knowledge about groups when encountering members of an unfamiliar group, a social worker is ethically required to obtain necessary knowledge
Anthropological: Limitations to Culturally Competent Practices
culturally differences maybe harmful or unacceptable
practitioner needs a balanced approach to assess cultural norms in the context of American practices, norms, and laws
Limitations to Culturally Competent Practice: Unacceptable or Illegal Cultural Practices
child labor, honor killings, private or family vengeance, slavery, infant murder, female circumcision, clitorectomies, infibulation, wife or servant beating, bigamy, child marriage, denial of medical care or abandonment of malformed or defective children, extreme forms of disciplining a child
presence of potential harm to self or others, a practitioner must intervene or follow American practices
Knowledge: Acquisition of Knowledge
Reading relevant practice or scientific professional literature
Familiarization with the literature of the relevant groups
Identifying and consulting cultural brokers
Knowledge: Language and Communcation
Learning to speak the language
Using interpreters appropriately
Learning the syntax through which thoughts are put together by clients of different cultural groups
Participating in cultural events of the group under consideration
Forming friendships with members of different groups
Visiting major community, religious, education, and social organizations to express interest and identify major community concerns
Developing an understanding of the socio-political system in the U.S. and its implication for majority and minority groups
Obtaining cultural and historical information about cultural groups
Gaining knowledge and awareness of institutional barriers that limit access to cultural and economic resources for vulnerable groups
Generalize Principles of Culturally Competent Social Work Practice–Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes: Skills
Interviewing style that encourages honest expression
Avoidance of premature closing; understanding that experience influences perception
Ability to generate and receive a wide range of verbal and non-verbal responses
Willingness to intervene with the agency or institution on behalf of the client
Generalize Principles of Culturally Competent Social Work Practice–Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes: Attitudes
Awareness of practitioner’s heritage, values, beliefs, and biases
Respect for difference and comfort with differences in others
Sensitivity to countertransference, or the presence of bias that warrants a referral
Generalize Principles of Culturally Competent Social Work Practice–Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes: Characteristics of Culturally Competent Practitioner
approaches clients in a respectful, warm, accepting, concerned, interested, and empathetic manner; has due regard for individuality and confidentiality
focus on establishing trust and understanding that perceptions of practitioner and client are affected by stereotypes
Displays awareness thats/he may have been socialized to beliefs attitudes, behaviors, stereotypes, biases, and prejudice that affect professional relationships
Able to express limits of knowledge of client’s background to the client and is open to help from the client
Can communicate attitude that cultural differences and their expressions are legitimate
Is aware of a cultural group’s strengths and community resources, and that come types of help may be culturally inappropriate
Is knowledge about life conditions fostered by poverty, racism, and disenfranchisement
While acknowledging the importance of a client’s cultural background, is also aware that these may be peripheral to the client’s situation
Generalize Principles of Culturally Competent Social Work Practice–Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes: Cultural Destructiveness
One end of the continuum that devalues different cultures and sees them as inferior
Generalize Principles of Culturally Competent Social Work Practice–Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes: Cultural Incapacity
Recognizes the need but feels unable to provide the services – characterized by immobility
Generalize Principles of Culturally Competent Social Work Practice–Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes: Cultural Blindness
there are no differences between cultural groups; all are “human,” thus the same; denies institutional racism and oppression
Generalize Principles of Culturally Competent Social Work Practice–Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes: Cultural Pre-Competency
beginning movement to recognize needs of cultural groups; attention recruiting diverse staff and inclusion of appropriate training
Generalize Principles of Culturally Competent Social Work Practice–Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes: Cultural Competency
the organization addresses diversity issues with staff and clients
provides appropriate services to different client groups; staff trained and confident with a range of differences
Generalize Principles of Culturally Competent Social Work Practice–Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes: Cultural Proficiency
idealized end of the continuum, marked by ability to incorporate and respond to new immigrant groups or client groups
Goals of Cultural Competence: Measure of Competence
-Acknowledging effects of cultural differences on the helping process
-Fully recognizing one’s own culture and its impact on thought and action
-Understanding the dynamics of power differences in practice situations
-Understanding the meaning of a client’s behavior in its cultural context
-Knowing when, where, and how to obtain necessary cultural information
Goals of Cultural Competency: To Develop the Attitudes, Knowledge, and Skills to Support Cultural Competency, the Practitioner must have
-Comfort with differences and ability to manage anxiety or defensiveness
-Ability to acknowledge and alter stereotypes and false beliefs
-Ability to respect and appreciate cultural differences
-Ability to think and behave flexibly, see alternative perspectives, and use a wide variety of strategies and interventions
-Ability to identify culturally appropriate goals and treatment processes
Goals of Cultural Competency: Barriers to Cross-Cultural Practice
Cultural Encapsulation
Language Barriers
Class-Bound Values
Culture-Bound Values
Barriers to Cross-Cultural Practice: Cultural Encapsulation
Ethnocentrism, color-blindeness, false universals
Barriers to Cross-Cultural Practice: Language Barriers
verbal, non-verbal, body language, dialect, etc.
Barriers to Cross-Cultural Practice: Class-Bound Values
about treatment and service delivery, power dynamics
Barriers to Cross-Cultural Practice: Culture-Bound Values
imposition of views, misinterpretations, trust/distrust
Process Barriers to Cross-Cultural Practice
Transference or Countertransference
Differing expectations of the nature, goals, and process of treatment by worker and client
Process Barriers to Cross-Cultural Practice: Stereotyping
generalizing, color-blindness, misapplication of information, anxiety about the client’s view of the social worker
Process Barriers to Cross-Cultural Practice: Resistance
self-devaluation, intellectualization, distancing, overt client hostility, or denial of the impact of race, culture, gender, and sexual orientation
Goals of Cultural Competency: Potential Challenges of Specific Pairings in Cross-Cultural Practice
-White social worker/client of color
-Intra-group practice
-Inter-group practice
-Inverted power relationships
Potential Challenges of Specific Pairings in Cross-Cultural Practice: Intra-group Practice
Internalization of oppression, over identification with the client, collusion, assumption of sameness, blind spots, etc
Potential Challenges of Specific Pairings in Cross-Cultural Practice: Inter-group Practice
cultural conflicts and stereotyping
Potential Challenges of Specific Pairings in Cross-Cultural Practice: Inverted Power Relationships
resistance, challenges to social worker’s credibility, etc
Goals of Cultural Competency: Benefits of Cross-Cultural Social Work Practice
-New insights and learning about self and others
-Development of a more extensive repertoire of practice skills
-New modes of communication
-New perspectives for both the client and the social worker
Immigration: Stresses Associated with Immigration
-understanding and gaining entry into an alien culture
-problems with language acquisition
-educated immigrants are often unable to find equivalent employment
-distance from family, friends, and familiar surroundings
Immigration: Waves of Immigration
distinct waves of immigration changed American society
until the 20th century, immigrants were largely from Europe
When did immigration outside of European cultures begin to appear in the United States?
Western part in the late 1880s; primarily of Asian descent
What happened after 1900 regarding immigration in the United States?
large influx of Mexican, Caribbean, and Latino immigrants
What has response to immigrants been like in the United States?
ranging from acceptance to suspicion and hostility
What happened in the 1990s regarding immigration law?
anti-immigration attitudes and policies reemerged as low-skilled jobs were exported
restrictive legislation at the national and state level
several states passed “English only” laws
Welfare reform (TANF) restricted welfare entitlements for immigrants
What states adopted “English only” laws in the 1990s?
Arizona, California and Florida
Immigration: Clinical Issues Associated with Immigration
-symptoms associated with stress
-causes for emigrating are important indicators vulnerable to mental illness caused by experience of torture, deprivation, denial of political or vulnerable economic rights, fears about family
language and worldview have significant impact on how immigrants use social services
historically, stresses of immigration were interpreted through several value frames
Clinical Issues Associated with Immigration: Stresses of Immigration Through Value Frames
focused on the demands of acculturation and assimilation
causal theories seen as deterministic – stress and pathology related to three inter-related factors
shift in emphasis from sociological and psychological factors to contextual/environmental factors
What’re are the three inter-related factors in causal theories?
-Predisposing factors
-Enabling factors
-the need for care
Clinical Issues Associated with Immigration: Assessment of Immigrations’ Needs
Economic and Housing Resources
Institutional/Governmental Supports
Health Resources
Social Networks
Life Control
Assessment of Immigrants’ Needs: Migration/Immigration
why, how, and in what manner did immigration occur? Personality changes associated with immigration
Assessment of Immigrants’ Needs: Supports
the presence of a community or relatives
Assessment of Immigrants’ Needs: Education
literacy in language of origin, fluency in English, ability to obtain a livelihood, intergenerational changes in education and employment, etc.
Assessment of Immigrants’ Needs: Economic and Housing Resources
income; debts; savings; transportation; telephone; housing; number of individuals living in setting; and availability of adequate heat, plumbing, and electricity
Assessment of Immigrants’ Needs: Occupational
employment history before immigration and now, demands of employment, safety of the environment, presence of unions, etc.