Issue 4- Psychology as a science Flashcards
Why is this an issue?
It is an issue because of the assumption that we gain academic status if we are a science. It is all to do with credibility.
Why is this a debate?
Because even though most British Universities list Psychology as a science, it isnt a universal view
Define the word empirical.
Based on, concerned with or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or logic.
Define the word objective.
Not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.
Define the word reliable.
Consistently good in quality or performance and able to be repeated
Define the word valid.
Having a sound basis in logic or fact, measures what it is supposed to measure.
Define the word Induction.
Moving from specific observations to much broader generalisations and theories
Define the word hypothesis.
A supposition or proposed explation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation
Define the word falsified.
Prove a statement or theory to be false.
What is meant by the term reductionism?
The idea of breaking down a complex phenomenon into simpler componants. This is good as it allows you to precisely measure elements of an abstract theory. It oversimplifies the behaviour.
What is meant by the term holism?
The view that you cannot understand a complex phenomenon by breaking it down in to its constituent parts because the whole thing id greater than the sum of those parts
What is meant by the term recognised paradigm?
A philosophical and theoretical framework of a scientific school or discipline within which theories, laws and generalisations and the experiments performed in support of them are formulated.
Which criteria does social psychology meet?
- A recognised paradigm- with the social groups and the key assumptions of the approach
- Empirical evidence- an example is Milgram
- Replicable
- Valid
Which criteria does social psychology not meet?
- Objectivity- Sherif, Milgram
- Replicability
Which criteria does cognitive psychology meet?
- Objectivity
- Falsifiability
- Replicability in laboratory experiments
- Measurements such as word lists
- Recognised paradigm
Which criteria does cognitive psychology not meet?
- Ecological validity
- Measurability as memory is an abstract concept
- Replicability with case studies such as HM
Which criteria does learning psychology not meet?
- Objectivity as there can be a lot of personal involvement
- Validity- lots of the data is qualitative which doesn’t allow for measurability
Which criteria does biological psychology meet?
- A recognised paradigm
- Objective due to quantitative data
- It is a well defined subject area
- Measurable
Which criteria does biological psychology not meet?
- Replicability as lots of research is based on case studies
What conclusion can we come to?
There are many different criteria that have to be met for an academic subject to be counted as a science. Psychology sometimes meets some of the criteria but it will never meet all of the criteria. So, psychology as a whole is probably not a science. It may be working towards being a science but in order to get there it is going to have to loose substantial chunks of itself such as the psychodynamic approach.