Isotopes - Tasmin O’Connell guest lecture Flashcards
What are isotopes?
Atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons
Protein = C, N, S, H
Bone collagen
Tooth dentine
Soft tissue
Mineral= C, O, Sr
Bone mineral
Tooth enamel
What can isotopes ratios tell us?
Food - tells us what foods someone has been eating, plant types, trophic levels, marine vs terrestrial
Place - water, climate, geology
Two key underlying premises
- Isotopic patterns vary within ecosystems.
Therefore different foods & waters are isotopically varied - “You are what you consume” body tissues are isotopically linked in predictable way to food/water intake
Why food and water groups are isotopically varied?
Because of natural variation
in isotope ratios through
biosphere due to physical,
chemical & biochemical
isotopic fractionation
Isotopic variations in plants
C3 verses C4
Marine verses terrestrial
Isotopic variations in oxygen
Distance from coast
Why “you are what you eat?”
Because body tissues are
isotopically linked in
predictable way to
isotopic values of
food/water intake
DNA are…
Complex molecules
Same in every cell