Isolation Clinical Flashcards
Part 1 Isolation Skill Testing
Prior to donning, introduce and ask if patient needs anything
-If contact or droplet, can ask from door (further than 6 ft)
- ii. If airborne, ask from anteroom through phone
-If watch is required in the room, remove watch prior to donning and place inside a plastic bag.
- If there is an anteroom, open a paper towel on the counter and place an alcohol wipe next to it.
-If there is no anteroom, place a paper towel and wipe into a plastic bag with watch.
-Gather equipment and items, perform hand hygiene & don
Part 2 Isolation Skill Testing
- Enter room; complete Pre-protocol.
- Vital signs, medications, patient care.
- Commit VS to memory before leaving for documentation
-If a computer is in the patients room document VS prior to leaving
-If you show the vital signs or tell them to a colleague, you must be mindful of HIPPA,
-(pen and paper do not leave the patient’s room)
-You will assess the patient’s mental status.
-(Patients in isolation may develop anxiety and depression.
-It is necessary to assess and report this for proper mental health intervention to occur
-(Assessment, documentation and notification to appropriate healthcare associates is necessary for mental health intervention.)
Part 3 Isolation Skill Testing
-Explain how you will remove linen and garbage from the room.
-Place linen and garbage in its appropriate biohazard in the patient’s room
-Roll linen away from you and put in appropriate bag
-Types of bags:
- Contaminated disposable equipment and materials containing body fluids in special isolation bags
-Specimen (specimen bag w/ label)
-Blood and contaminated (red bag)
-Soiled (linen bag, if not contaminated)
-Tie and/or tape biohazard bag as per procedure policy.
-Request assistance from another nurse or care partner
-The other nurse will come to the patient’s door with an isolation bag
-They will make an approximate 6 ˝ cuff with the top of the bag, open bag and you will place your closed bag into their bag
-They will tie and or tape their bag
Part 4 Isolation Skill Testing
-For testing you will collect a urine specimen from your patient.
-(You are not required to know how you will obtain the specimen)
-After obtaining the specimen, make sure the container is clean
-Label the container with the patient’s information at the bedside, in front of the patient.
-If you have a preprinted label, you will apply it in the same manner as mentioned.
-Never place a label onto a specimen container until you have obtained the specimen. This assures the right patient receives the right results.
-Once labeled you will place it into a biohazard bag.
- Post Protocol
Part 5 Isolation Skill Testing
-If you have your watch in a bag prior to doffing gloves
-Open the plastic bag and drop yit on the paper towel in the anteroom
-If no anteroom, drop paper towel an alcohol wipe out and then watch
-Doff equipment in Anteroom if airborne isolation
-Doff equipment >6 ft away from patient if droplet
-Let the patient know approximate time frame when another nurse will return.