Islam: Principal Beliefs Flashcards
what are the principal beliefs in Islam?
Tawhid (Allah is one)
Malaikah (Angels)
Kutubullah (Books of Allah)
Rusul (Prophets)
Akhira (Day of Judgement)
Al-Qadr (Fate/predestination)
what is Tawhid
- belief in the oneness of God
In the Shahada: ‘there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet’.
Transcencent belief: “no vision can grasp Him, but His grasp is over all vision; He is above all comprehension yet is acquainted with all things” (surah 6:103). - implies that adherents should devote their life to the one God, Allah
what are the implications of the Tawhid
- surrender/submission
- possessions are all Allah’s
- motives/intentions are known
- everything has a purpose - cannot complian or seek change in life
- incompatible with pride and arrogance
What is Maliakah
belief in angels in Islem
- central to belief as they are the purest beings and they operate as messengers of Allah
what are the roles of angels
- Messenger: Jibril who dictated the Qur’an
- each person has two recording angels for good/bad deeds
- responisble for infusing soul into feotus
what are the most important angels
Izra’il (angel of death)
Mika’il (same as Jibri, instructed Muhammad)
Israfil(sound trumpet day of resurrection)
What is Rusul
- belief in prophets
- prophecy is vehicle through which ways of Allah become revealed to humankind
- Adam is considered first messengers and Muhammad the last
what is rasul
a messenger who has been given a particular mission
who are the six prophets+ why most important
Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad.
- important as recieved special revelations and introduced new teachings
muhammad = seal of the prophet (last)
why is rusul important for spiritual journey
- reveals gods will
- rasul
- six most important
lived expression - The Hadith provides direct reference to Rusul as the Prophet Muhammad is the model of Muslim life
what is Kutub
- belief in books of allah, revelation of allah to humanity
what are the different holy books
Tawrat - revelation that Allah sent to Moses.
Zabur - revelation that Allah sent to David.
Injeel - revelation that Allah sent to Jesus.
Qur’an - revelation that Allah sent to Muhammad.
role of books of allah
only the qur’an is complete + reliable source of revelation
- provides knowledge, ethics
- revelation of god to humanity
What is Akihira
Belief in the Day of Judgement which will result in an adherents after life of eternal happiness (jannah) or eternal punishment (jahannan)
what is the belief of akihira
- life = test of character which determines fate in afterlife
- requirements for heaven: belief in god and muhammas as prophet
belief in all prophets
belief in day of judgement
follow 5 pillars
scripture for akihira
quran 2:112: “ God will on the Day of Resurrection judge what they disagreed about. “
Al- Ghazali: “ there is a struggle to paradise”
“And Allah will protect them from the evil on that Day and give them randiance and joy” Quran 76:11
“Their flesh reaches not Allah, nor does their blood, but it your righteousness that reaches Him” (Qur’an 23:38)
What is Al Qadr
belief centred on allah having predetermined the course for everything in the universe
more on Al Qadr
- free will:while destiny - known to Allah , it is free will and choice which determines it
- fate is incompatible with pre-destination as it can take away agency - can be superstitious taking away from Tawhid
What do Shi’a Muslims not believe in for Al Qadr
- absolute predestination, condiser incompatible with god’s justice
- absolute free will- contradicts god being all knwoing and powerful
- Believe: a way between the two ways believing in free will, within boundaries set by God + exercised with his permission