Islam Practices Flashcards
What is sawm?
What is Amr-bil-maroof?
Encouraging good actions
What is Nahi Anil Munkar?
Discouraging evil actions
What is Tawalla?
Association with good people
What is Tabarra?
Disassociation with bad people
Why are the 5 pillars important?
They give structure to daily life, show sunni Muslims to put their faith first and they help Muslims achieve the reward of life after death in Jannah
What does the Shahadah state?
‘There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger’ (and Ali is the friend of the prophet)
Why is the Shahadah important?
It reminds Muslims of the oneness of Allah; tawhid, it reminds them of the importance of Muhammad and the Qur’an and it demonstrates commitment to the religion
Why would some Muslims agree that the Shahadah is the most important pillar?
Because it is the declaration of faith, it is the first pillar (first words to be heard) and it is spoken throughout the day
Why would some Muslims disagree that the Shahadah is the most important pillar?
Because all pillars are duties, so cannot be singled out, Salah is more important as it occurs 5x a day and zakat is more important as it involves helping others
What is niyyah?
Right intention
What is sujud?
Kneeling down with the forehead touching the prayer mat
Why is sujud important?
It shows complete submission to Allah
What is du’a?
A personal prayer
Why is salah important to Muslims?
Praying in the mosque strengthens ummah, helps Muslims attain taqwa and helps Muslims avoid sin, including shirk
Why is sawm important?
Develops devotion to Allah, develops sympathy for those in need and develops self-control
Why is zakat important?
Helps those in need, benefits both the giver and receiver as the giver will go to Jannah and prevents greed
Why is hajj important to Muslims?
Feel part of the united ummah, feel closer to Allah and allows for the forgiveness of sins (visiting Mount Arafat)
Why would some Muslims believe that Greater Jihad is more important?
It requires them to look at the 5 pillars, bringing them closer to Allah. Muhammad supported it as more important
Why would some Muslims believe that Lesser Jihad is more important?
Muhammad was involved in military battles and Islam or the name of Allah may be threatened and may be appropriate to defend Islam
Why is khums important?
Helps those in need, promotes Islam and gives special recognition to Muhammad
What is Id-Ul-Fitr?
The end of Ramadan where Muslims thank Allah for getting them through the month of Ramadan
What is Id-Ul-Adha? Why is it important
The end of Hajj where Muslims remember Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his son. It helps Muslims remember their own willingness to make sacrifices to Allah
How is Id-Ul-Adha celebrated?
They sacrifice animals and share amongst their families as well as the needy
What is Ashura?
A festival in the 1st month of the Islamic calendar for mourning. Sunnis remember how Nuh left the Arch and Musa and the Israelites were saved from the Egyptians. Shi’as mourn the martyrdom at Karbala and wear black
Why are festivals important?
They strengthen ummah, helps Muslims grow closer to God and strengthen faith and belief
What is the significance of prayer?
Allah commanded them to do so and it remind them that he is greater and more important then humans
What is the Night of Power? Why is it significant?
A festival that marks the beginning of God’s revelation to Muhammad. It is significant as it gives Muslims the benefits of worshipping for a thousand months
What is the significance of Arafat?
Where Muhammad had his last sermon and where Muslims receive forgiveness of sins
What do Muslims do in Jummah prayer?
They go to the mosque and are given a sermon by the imam once they pray
What do Muslims do during Ramadan?
Fast, give to charity and read the Qur’an
How is Id-Ul-Fitr celebrated?
Muslims go to the mosque and have a sermon by the imam to forgive and forget any differences. Special foods are also eaten as it breaks the fast.