Christian Practices: Quotes Flashcards
Come, let us…
Bow down and worship
He hears the prayers…
Of the righteous
Truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom…
…unless they are born of water and the Spirit
Baptising them in the name…
Of the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
I am…
The living bread
This is my body, which is for you…
Do this in remembrance of me
Christmas reveals the…
Immense love of God for humanity
If Christ has not be saved…
Your faith is futile
Whatever you did for the least of these…
You did for me
As the father has sent me..
I am sending you
Go into all the world…
And preach the Gospel to all creation
For while we were enemies…
We were reconciled to Him through the death of His Son
Blessed are those who are persecuted…
…for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven
Faith by itself…
…is dead (Work of Church in local community)
For I was hungry…
And you gave me something to eat (Food banks)
We welcome him as Lord…
The true light of the world
And appointed him to be…
Head over everything for the Church, which is his body