Islam B+T Flashcards
NOG - how do muslims know God’s qualities and what he is like
The 99 names of Allah
NOG - what is the Muslim belief about how they should view Allah
The believe that Allah is beyond human understanding and humans are incapable of imagining anything close to what he is like
NOG - what are the 7 qualities of Allah and their meanings
Transcendent - present and on earth Immanent - beyond our universe Omnipotent - all-powerful Beneficent - all-loving Just - rewards good, punishes bad Fair - does not discriminate Merciful - compassion and forgiveness
KB - why did Sunni and Shi’a muslims split
Sunni muslims believed that Abu Bakr was the rightful caliph so he was elected by the people to lead Islam.
Shi’a muslims believed that the Imam should be a descendent of Muhammad, therefore Ali, muhammad’s cousin was the rightful leader
KB - what are the key beliefs of Sunni muslims
Six articles of faith:
- tawhid
- angels
- prophethood
- the holy books
- supremacy of God’s will
- day of judgement
KB - what are the key beliefs of Shi’a muslims
Five roots of Usul ad-Din:
- tawhid
- the Qur’an
- the Imamate
- God is Just and wise
- Resurrection
OOG - what is tawhid
Tawhid - the belief that there is only one god, and Allah is that God.
OOG - when is tawhid displayed in prayer
‘there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet’ in the Shahadah
OOG - what is an example of an unforgivable sin to muslims
To equate anything with God is an unforgivable sin
OOG - why should no image of god be made and why should you never pray to an idol
To make an image of god would be seen as limiting his capabilities and confining him to one ideal, when in reality, allah has no limits and to pray to an idol would again be worshiping an image of god, which would be limiting his power.
SOGW - what do muslims believe about creation
Muslims believe that allah created everything on this earth and that he is the controller of everything
SOGW - what is predestination
God knows what will happen and determines what happens in the future and controls everything which occurs
SOGW - what affect does predestination have on Muslims
Predestination helps muslims understand that Allah has a plan for everyone and will guide you throughout your life. Even if something bad happens to you, muslims know that this happened for a reason
SOGW - where do Sunni muslims believe that god has written his plan for humans
The book of decrees
SOGW - what do Shi’a muslims believe about predestination
They believe that god know what will happen but he does not make pour descisions for us.
A - what are angels’ main job
To deliver the word of god to the prophets
A - what are the qualities of angels (2)
Pure and sinless
A - why can angels not sin or do wrong
Because angels have no free will and are controlled by god, it is impossible for them to do something which god does not want them to do or displease him
A - what are guardian angels
Angels who are involved in human life from conception to death
A - what do angels do with the book of deeds
Angels record everything each person does, says and thinks so that when it comes to judgement day, allah is able to look at what each person has done throughout their lifetime and either praise them of punish them for their actions
A - what do angels do in regard to the day of judgement
- angel Israfil will blow a trumpet to announce the day of judgement
- the angel of death and messengers will deliver the souls of people to allah so he is able to judge them
- angels escort people to paradise and to hell
- angels guard the gates of hell
A - how do angels appear to humans when revealing god’s word
Angels have the power to appear to humans in human form
A - what kind of angel is Jibril and what is his job
Jibril is an archangel and he is the angel of revelation
A - what is the story of Jibril and Muhammad
Muslims believe hat Jibril and Mika’il visited Muhammad when he was a child and purified his soul so that he would be able to receive God’s revelations when he was older. When Muhammad was 40, Jibril appeared to Muhammad as a blaze of light and told him what god intended for him to do.
A - what kind of angel is Mika’il and what is his job (3)
Mika’il is an archangel and is the angel of mercy. He rewards righteous people for their good deeds on earth. He also is responsible of sending rain, thunder and lightning to the earth
A - what are the 5 main points of angels
- They are supernatural being created by god
- They constantly serve and praise god
- They are able to take human form
- They are pure and sinless
- They have no free will and carry out gods commands