IS 414 CH. 10 Flashcards
What is the chapter about
Processing Integrity
Processing Availability Controls
Processing Integrity
states that a reliable system is one that produces information that is accurate, complete, timely, and valid
What is essential for processing integrity (application controls)
input, processing, and output
Input (threats/risks and controls)
If the data entered into a system are inaccurate, incomplete, or invalid, the output will be too. Only authorized personnel acting with their authority should prepare source documents. Forms design, cancellation, and storage of source documents and automated data entry controls are needed to verify the validity of input data.
Threats/Risk: Data that is
-invalid, unauthorized, incomplete, and inaccurate
Controls: Forms design, cancellation and storage of documents, authorization and segregation of duties controls, visual scanning, data entry controls
Forms Design
Source documents and other should be designed to minimize that chances for errors and omissions. Two form design controls include:
- sequentially prenumbering source documents
- using turnaround documents
Prenumbered source document
prenumbering improves controls by making it possible to verify that no documents are missing
the program should be programmed to identify and report missing or duplicate source documents
Turnaround document
-is a record of company data sent to an external party and then returned by the external party for subsequent input into the system
-are prepared in machine readable form to facilitate their subsequent processing as input records
(Ex: Utility bill that a special scanning device reads when the bill is returned with a payment)
-they improve accuracy by eliminating the potential for input errors when entering data manually
Cancellation and Storage of source documents
-source documents that have been entered into the system should be cancelled so they cannot be accidentally or fraudulently reentered into the system
-paper documents should be defaced (ex: stamping them “paid”)
-electronic documents can be “cancelled” by setting a flag field to indicate that the document has already been processed
(Cancellation DOES NOT mean disposal)
-Original source documents (or their electronic images) should be retained for as long as needed to satisfy legal and regulatory requirements and provide an audit trail
Data entry controls
source documents should be scanned for reasonableness and propriety before being entered into the system. however, this manual control must be supplemented with automated data entry controls like:
field check, sign check, limit check, range check, size check, completeness check, (or test), validity check, reasonableness test, check digit, check digit verification
field check
an edit check that tests whether the characters in a field are of the correct field type (e.g., zip code would indicate an error if it contained alphabetic characters)
sign check
an edit check that verifies that the data in a field have the appropriate arithmetic sign (e.g., the quantity ordered field should never be negative)
limit check
an edit check that tests a numerical amount against a fixed value (e.g., regular hours work field input should be 40 hours or less and the hourly wage field should be greater than or equal to the minimum wage)
range check
an edit check that tests whether a data item falls within predetermined upper and lower limits (e.g., marketing promotion directed toward incomes of 50,000-99,000)
size check
an edit check that ensures that input data will fit into the assigned field e.g, the value 458,976,253 will not fit in an eight-digit-field)
important for applications that accept user-end input, providing a way to prevent buffer overflow vulnerabilities
completeness check (or test)
an edit check that verifies that all data required have been entered
validity check
an edit check that compares the ID code or account number in transaction data with similar data in the master file to verify that the account actually exists
(e.g., if product number 65432 is entered on a sales order, the computer must verify that there is indeed a product 65432 in the inventory database)
reasonableness check
an edit check of the logical correctness of relationships among data items (e.g., overtime hours should be zero for someone who has not worked the maximum number of regular hours in a pay period)
check digit
ID numbers (such as employee number) can contain a check digit computed from other digits (e.g., system assigns a new employee a 9-digit number, then calculates a tenth digit to form a 10-digit number)
check digit verification
Recalculating a check digit to verify that a data entry error has not been made (e.g., using the first 9 digits to find out the 10th digit should be, if an error is made in entering any of the ten digits, the calculation made on the first time nine digits will not match the tenth, or check digit)
Additional batch processing data entry controls
Batch processing works more efficiently if the transactions are sorted so that the accounts affected are in the same sequence as records in the master file. (e.g., accurate batch processing of sales transactions to update customer account balances requires that the transactions first be sorted by customer account number.)
An error log that identifies data input errors (data, cause, problem) facilitates timely review and resubmission of transactions that cannot be processed
sequence check
an edit check that determines if a batch of input data is in the proper numerical or alphabetical sequence
batch totals
the sum of a numerical item for a batch of documents, calculated prior to processing the batch, when the data are entered, and subsequently compared with computer-generated totals after each processing step to verify that the data was processed correctly
common batch totals: financial total, hash total, and record count
financial data
a type of batch total that equals the sum of a field that contains monetary value
hash total
a type of batch total generated by summing values for a field that would not usually be totaled
record count
a type of batch total that equals the number of records processed at a given time
Additional online data entry controls
prompting, closed loop verification
transaction log includes a detailed record of all transactions, including a unique transaction identifier, the date and time of entry, and who enter the transaction. If an online file is damaged, the transaction log can be used to reconstruct the file. If a malfunction temporarily shuts down the system, the transaction log can be used to ensure that transactions are not lost or entered twice.
an online data entry completeness chceck that requests each required item of input data and then waits for an acceptable response before requesting the next required item
closed-loop verification
an input validation method that used data entered into the system to retrieve and display other relation info so that the data entry person and verify the accuracy of the input data