Iosone Law
- Medications are ionically active
- Electrically charged electrode will repel similarly charged
Driving force in iontophoresis
Electrostatic repulsion
The force acting to move the ion through the body
surface depends on:
o Strength of electric field/intensity of the
electricity applied
o Impedance of the tissues to the current flow
o Current density is also responsible for the
velocity on how we deliver these charged
ions inside the body
o Current density is increased by decreasing
the electrode size or by increasing the
current intensity applied to the pt
Principles of ion transfer
- Ionization
- Electromigration/ Law of Attraction
- Deeper penetration of drug vs topical administration
- Bypasses the systemic route vs oral ingestion of
medication - Non-invasive vs administration using injections
Fungal infection
+ copper
Copper sulfate
Edema reduction
+ hyaluronidase
Muscle relaxant; vasodilator
+ magnesium, magnesium sulfate
Local anesthetic, trigger points, bursitis, neuritis
+ Lidocaine, xylocaine/lidocaine
1:50000 w/ epinephrine
Dermal ulcers, slow healing wound
+ zinc, zinc oxide
Calcium deposits
- acetate, acetic acid
Soften scar adhesions; sclerosis
- chloride, sodium chloride
Msk inflammation
- Dexamethasone phosphate, decardron
Msk inflammation
- Dexamethasone phosphate, decardron
- iodine
- iodine