Introduction- What is a family? Flashcards
what is the 1st thing to consider?
family means diff things to diff people, could create fam by:
- blood ties
- self definiton
- adoption
- re marriage
what is the basics of family law?
How they treat these units
leading case for what is a family?
Fitzpatrick v Sterling Housing Association Ltd. [2000]
what was mentioned in Fitzpatrick v Sterling Housing Association Ltd. [2000]? (3)
- After 2000 it was about what you did
- before 2000 law was concerned with not function of ur family
- if married definitely a family- if no can be
what have not all families been treated as?
Not all families have been treated equally. Same sex couples/marriages/civil partnerships
Cases for not all families have been treated equally? (3)
- Wilkinson v Kitzinger [2007]
- aim to obtain recognition in the UK of a same sex marriage that took place in Canada - Civil Partnership act 2004 - same sex couples act 2013
- Burdern v UK (2008)- two sisters aiming to avoid paying inheritance tax on their home.
Court dismissed action that cohabiting siblings should be given the same rights at married and those in civil partnerships or
-Mendoza v Ghaidan [2004]
Same-sex couple seeking succession in a statutory tenancy
This case demonstrated a move away from the traditional view of the family
Impact of Article 8 ECHR – respect for private and family life? (6)
A married couple A separated couple with a child Unmarried parents with a child A couple with a foster child A child born out of one night stand A child who has no contact with the father
defining families?
- Families - blood, marriage, adoption
- Nuclear Family- parents, dependant children
- Extended Families- nuclear and grandparents etc
- Kinships- larger family groups created by blood and marriage
- Households- not possibly family but share accom
why is it difficult to define family & case?
shifting attitudes- gammons v ekin 1950
what is family law? (7)
- divorce/dissolution
- financial orders
- employment law
- housing benefits
- taxation
- immigration
- also law that governs rels btw children and parents, adults in emotional rels, law -moral guardarian, no longer a society shifts law shifts exclude violent partners, law can intervene in family life, using article 8.
What could you do before April 2014?
Apply to: - magistrates - county court - high court depending on what the claim was
After April 2014 according to which act?
now we just have 1 family court, proposed by the Family Justice Review (FJR) and implemented by (s.17(3) Crime and Courts Act 2013)
After an application is made?
1 of these judges wil be assigned to your case
lay justices= maintence payments,
District= divorce and financial orders
Circuit judges= not sure if married or not
High ct judges= parental orders anything to do with children
Why the new court?
Held that old system dogged by delay, expense, democracy and lack of trust
what is meant by delay and adversarial?
Delay- in decisions to deal with children e.g families breaking down = not cooperative
Adversarial = nature of proceedings, promoted change, brought about principles - optional
Before review what could you get?
Before the review you could get legal aid, in effect the act removed public funding, legal aid budget was getting out of control, gov could not find it. Family law disputes are seen as private matters - so why public funding avail?
When can you get legal aid?
fulfil the strict eligibility criteria:
What is the eligibility crtieria?
-Financial and ..
- Domestic Violence
- Forced Marriage
- Protection of children (public law)
- Child Abuse (private law)
- A child is a party to the proceedings
- Child abduction
- Mediation
- Exceptional Circumstances
what can you deffo not get legal aid?
you cannot get legal aid if you get divorced/financial help, this has had a dramtic effect on the court system
e.g of legal aid? & why?
Husband looks for contact with child/wife looks for financial support u cannot get legal aid unles fulfill criteria
creates problems either comm with ex or have to become litigated person
what is meant by financial?
have to be on low income + other categories
What would you say in exam if legal aid were to come up?
why legal aid is withdrawn = costing too much money, private law issue (use this in exam – for eg, husband owed money she subjected to domestic abuse if you notice this you could say that she might need legal aid – help raise your answer)
Domestic violence is defined by?
what is domestic violence?
LAPSO Schedule 1, paragraph 12(9)
-any incident of threatening behaviour, violence or abuse (whether psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional) between individuals who are associated with each other”- also includes coersive behaviour
What does The Civil Legal Aid (Procedure) Regulations 2012, Regulation 33 explain?
explains what must be shown,not enough to show victim of dv you must prove it, which is difficult bc in fear of your life or being hurt, you have to produce evidence to show that dv is taken place
What are the 5 things you have to prove victim of dv if on low income too?
- Must prove unspent conviction for dv,
- must prove there is a piece caution for dv,
- or there are criminal proceedings to deal with dv,
- or there is an injunction in force
- that proof has to be within 2 years of you proving your claim.
disadvantages of proving?
- most dv no money for the process e,g injunction etc in order to gete legal aid. almost most dv dont report.
- problems with 24 month rule- frustrates purpose of act- r (rights of women) & secratary state of justice 2016- held 24 mnth rule ignores realities of dv and frustatres purpose of act therefore invalid.
what are exceptional circumstances under?
s.10 LAPSO
Legal Aid, Punishment and Sentencing of Offenders Act 2012
Why is it difficult to fall within exceptional circumstances?
it is really difficult to fall within these circumstances and the limited legal aid,
- hard to access justice - if low and can prove cat okay but if middle might not be able to access jsutice, so justice impaired.
Why has funding been cut drastically?
legal aid large, alternative methods are better
Alternatives to going to court ?
(Non Court Dispute Resolution (N-CDR)
- Mediation
- Collaborative Family Law
- Arbitration
why alternative?
belief that ct not best forum for solving family diputes so these alternative methods much better
consequence of these alternatives?
- family law lawyers have decreased in the number you either legal aid at the bottom or high net worth, not mucn in the middle,
- ct system-legal aid has made ct process much complicated as people dotn know and ct hearings take longer people are quite emotional in ct based on topics, emotional co herent might makebad job of representing themselves, but all this is to push people into non court dispute resolutions.