Divorce/Dissolution 2- lecture 1 Flashcards
Terminology for divorce/dissolution?
- Petitioner/Applicant- need to know is person who starts divorvce known as 1-SO IF U WANT TO DIVORCE HUSBAND/WIFE U ARE PETITIONOR/APPLICANT
- Respondent- Other party
- Petition/Application-Doc u need to get divorced
- Divorce Proceedings/Matrimonial Proceedings
respondent -Process getting divorced known as divorced proeeings etc - A two-stage process -an degree nisi enightst-interim doc and after 6 week delay can apply for and adegree absolute in that order
* Role of the Family Procedure Rules 2010
Setting the landscape?
Generally the amlunt of divorces has remained steady and has been slight decline in recent years but decline has reflected in les people getting married , theres no doubt that more people get divorced
historical figures?
-1961 and 1991, in 1970 4.7 and 1999 13.7 divorces
- Divorces per 1000 marriages in 1970 and 1999
-Average length of marriage is about 7yrs normally 1st marriage is the longest
Need to be 10 yrs marriage to be deemed of length if u want to get married and want to benefit financially need that, length marriage important for financial aspect
Divorces in England and Wales: 2013 stats- main points?
Main points
-114,720 divorces in England and Wales in 2013, a decrease of 2.9% since 2012, when there were 118,140 divorces
In 2013, there were 9.8 men divorcing per thousand married males and 9.8 women divorcing per thousand married females. A decrease of 27% for men and 26% for women compared with 2003.
The number of divorces in 2013 was highest among men and women aged 40 to 44
For those married in 1968, 20% of marriages had ended in divorce by the 15th wedding anniversary whereas for those married in 1998, almost a third of marriages (32%) had ended by this time
Cohab on rise?
Cohab on rise which creates other probs
comparison btw men and women on divorce?
wife more men get divorced when older and women divorced younger most people divorce 40-44
for a divorce what do you need to provide?
reason= fact
What is the most popular fact?
divorcing someone by behaviour, more women divorces than men, so 2013 65% divorces brought by women
what is the next fact close to popular?
2 years sep with consent 2nd reason-
what about civil partnerships?
no divorce u get dissolved- Number of CP dissolutions increased by 20% to 974 dissolutions in 2013
Why is the divorce rate so high?
Financial independence of women
Work pressures
what is meant by expectations?
People expect a lot from marriage doesn’t often deliver, theory marriage – marriage to get something out of it when this fails they may not, if not for religious reasons most get married phase in life,
what is meant by financial independence of women?
don’t need to stay in marriage if they don’t want to
what is meant by mortality?
longer you with more likely to get divorce longer u live more likely
what is meant by work pressures?
Too much pressures in society e.g work small children etc family unit etc
There a re lots o other trend, people married but don’t live together
The Family Law Act 1996 (A quick note)?
Law of divorce not ideal-attempt at reforming the law, the family law act most of it isn’t in force in particular reference to s1- but was not implemented but gov said they support s1