Children & PR 4 & 5 Flashcards
what are the things that the law distinguishes?
Parentage – genetic connection - who is genetic the mother and father
Parenthood – who does the parenting -people who acc raise child, can be all same people but can be diff
Parental Responsibility – s.3 Children Act 1989 -the key factor because that’s who has resposnsibility for child
what are blended families?
We have many blended families now – a parent ‘by being’ and a parent ‘by doing’- pr without being genetic parent
why do we have more blended families now?
We have a lot more blended families now, bc divorce, adoption, cohab and people changing partners
how do the law define parents?
by parents by being and doing- this has knock on effect as to what rights these people have as could be a conflict in that,
why do we have to grasp this
has to grasp that these people can be 3 different people or can be same person
Who are a child’s parents?
Easy in some cases- can be easy if father and mother living together, but problems can arise-mother’s husband is not the father of the child- remarriage= blended family
what if child born through assisted reproduction?
children born through assisted reproduction
- (those providing genetic material, woman who carried the baby, or the people who intend to bring the child up?)
- sometimes mistakes are made
what about adoption?
adoption-what impact does that have on who is resposnibe e.g adopted child had mother but were gonna see what happens to her rghts
Who is the mother?
woman who gives birth-
what about surrogacy?
Person who gives birth always mother even in surrogacy even though child may not be genetically hers
act for surrogacy?
s. 33(1) Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008
- ‘The woman who is carrying or has carried a child as a result of the placing in her of an embryo or of sperm and eggs, and no other woman, is to be treated as the mother of the child.’
reasoning behind surrogacy?
the reasoning is because law says if u carry child 9 months u have special bond and mother has gone thru effort giving birth therefore that gives are parental status
what are other reasons?
2ndreason- woman gives birth seen as mother because it would be so difficult to identify mother in other circumstances e,g say there was a donated egg there will be ways of tracking but much easier to place parent tag on person who gives birth,
3rd reason- it encourages egg donation-Imagine if u wanted to donate u eggs youd be deterred if u have the responsibility (ongoing towards that child)
what happens if adopt?
If you adopt you become the mother of that child- court order that allocates u as the mother
If there is an adoption order the genetic parent loses all power and rights = consequences of adoption, so you transfer it to the adopted mother
Who is the father?
Must prove:
- genetically the father - one of the presumptions of paternity apply and have not been rebutted (see slide 7) - he is a father by virtue of one of the statutory provisions governing assisted reproduction - adoption or parental order
what is the starting point for fathers?
Starting point: father is the person who fertilised the egg
Legal Presumptions of fraternity?
In the absence of a dna test presumption is:
- Man married to the mother at the time of the child’s birth-that assumption does not apply to cohabitees so they have to be married
- Man named on the birth certificate–if your unmarried both of u have to attend because otherwise women could go and register baby and say anyones the father, if ur married only 1 person has to attend but if unmarried both have to
- Man living with the mother at the time of conception
Establishing parentage through the courts?
Re T (Paternity: Ordering Blood Tests) [2001]-The applicant believed in was the father of the child of his friends wive, the married couple didn’t want to have the test and so the man who believed applied to court for dna test, brought up whether or not the child have right -Does a child have a right to know their genetic origins?
what does Re h?
This case not in all cases the child did have a right to know
what is the reason for court not letting child know?
The reason court it was in childs best interest bc there were loads of rumours about child’s parentage
So have to balance the rights of child to know and might not always be best interest as might upset the family balance
what happened in 2006?
In 2006 Baroness Hale in Re G [2006] identified 3 different types of parents
3 different types of parents?
- Legal parenthood-person with parental respons
- Genetic parenthood-Genetic parenthood-So if genetic u have parentage
- Social parenthood- Social parenthood
what about 3 diff types of parents?
this people may be different people e.g local auth can have parental respons, fostered fam might have day to day care of child and then biologically the child might have different parents, there might be 3 sets of people ina childs life
what about presumptions?
but the presumptions are only presumptions, you can rebut them e.g so if cu an prove u were out of country 12 months before child born then factually u cannot be the childs father
Can a parent lose parenthood?
u can lose parenthood
how can u lose parenthood?
- adoption order-genetic parents lose all their rifhts
- parental order
s. 54 Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008-… surrogacy , never given q about s in exam but if u get essay q just remember that if u had child born though surrogacy child isn’t adopted the adopted parents obtain a parental order, same consequences just different word of an act
Who has Parental Responsibility?
The Children Act 1989 s.3(1)
The Children Act 1989 s.3(1) ?
‘parental responsibility means all the rights, duties, powers, responsibilities and authority, which by law a parent of a child has in relation to the child and his property’
who gets automatic pr?
- mother
even if not married to the father - s.2(2) CA 1989 - father
a father married to the mother - s.2(1) CA 1989-nd this has consequences for unmarried father
what doesn’t the law distinguish?
doesn’t always distinguish with children whether people are married or unmarried but with parental respons it does
when does the law distinguish?
but with parental respons,it matters whethe your married or not so automatically the mother gets PR , doesn’t matter whether she is married or not
Establishing PR through the courts? 3 cases
Re S (Parental Responsibility) [1995]
- parent in prison for possession of paedophilic images
A local authority v A, B and E [2011]
- father imprisoned for violence offences
Re M (A child) (Parental Responsibility: Welfare: Status) [2013]
- parent refused PR due to suspected misuse
what happened in re s ?
couple unmarried had child, and separated when she was 1,he continued to see child and paid for her upkeep, then he was convicted when of the images and the mother ceased all contact
- father applied to court for PR and he got it surprisingly,
- reason court awarded because it was seen as stamp of approval, an acknowledgement that he was the father and sent a message to child that the child was cared and loved for
- u could do with pr is limit it and what they did is they gave him very limited response so it really was that he was acknowledged as father and no more than that
what should u think about when u think about pr?
- it gives u power to decide things about child and all of that PR in this case was withdrawn he was just stamp that he was father like in A , B next case
what happened in AB?
awarded PR but again severely restricted
what happened in RE m?
child born father on birth certify , been change in law since this case and at this time that DID NOT AWARD HIM PR *,
- mother and father separated he mainted good rel with child and then 1 day he took child out of school and took child away over night without telling mother and then took child school next day so child was un harmed , child was about 6 /7 this caused great deal of distress to mother and child and court refused pr to this father on basis that he would misuse it ,
- the mother was very vunerable and the child was upset by experience and didn’t want father to same thing again, combination of those factors meant that pr was denied but he was still the gentic parent cos his name was on birth cert
what happened in B v UK [2000]?
- A father did not have PR under UK law
- He claimed it was a breach of Article 8 and was discriminatory under Article 14 ECHR
what about b v uk case?
not discrim if everyone treated the same if u not given automatic pr u can apply courts for pr , the courts are willing to give people pr
more cases?
Re B (A Minor) (Wardship: Medical Treatment) [1990]
- refusal of consent to medical treatment-
M v M (Parental Responsibility) [1999]
- father with learning difficulties
Re M (Sperm Donor Father) [2003]
– father may be awarded PR in the future
what happened in Re B (A Minor) (Wardship: Medical Treatment) [1990]?
child had down syndrome and needed life chaging op, parents didn’t give consent they had pr and refused consent , the judge overid that and said pr doesn’t mean u have a right to say whether ur child lvies or dies- pr gives right how brought up but not lives or dies
what happened in M v M (Parental Responsibility) [1999] ?
father learning diff denied pr, because part of pr is about making sensible decision for ur children and he did not have capcity to do that
what happened in Re M (Sperm Donor Father) [2003]?
father wanted to be awarded, court said u establish a rels with this child u may be awarded pr in the future
Summing up the attitude of the courts to PR?
pr very important when it comes to children bc it allows u to decide where they go school, religion,eat, dres slike etc, what court does with pr is sometimes award 100% pr or sometimes just use as stamp acknowleged father and nothing more, grasp even though pr important bc decision making power it can be reall restrictive so is it a real exercise of your ability or not. Suppose comes down to law as a safety net operartes very much ur able to do anything u want to do as logn as law prohibits it, genrally how law operates u can drive car but has to be sensible
what is the diff btw Being and parent and having PR?
so if ur unmarried father u may be aprent but may not have pr , sometimes children taken into account the local authority will have pr, also lots of people can have pr at same time e.g if child taken into care than the local auth may have pr but also the parents retain pr so there is no limits on people who can have pr & where there is conflict considering wealthfar on child
s.1 Children Act 1989?
So court in effect ignores aspect of pr, just thinkin about child even if u have pr once ur child gone into court system fact that u have pr might mean very little - child welfare is paramount- read s1
Conflict between parental wishes and the best interests of the child, what happened in the 2 cases?
Re a 2001- another case of child needing medical treamtnet parents refused and s.1 stepped in
An Nhs trust v Mb- read as written – so if there is a conflict bt wishes of parents and interests of child the interest of child prevails, this upsets people, parents think theirs injustice and this can lead to people, this overriding power of court can discourage people from enganging in services with the other they will lose power over the children
What does having PR involve?
CA 1989 keen to emphasise that it is about responsibilities and duties NOT rights
-, its not right to tell child what to do etc, its about brining up ur child resposnbily, morally ,ethically ur children are not possessions
what is meant by - although the word ‘rights’ is the first in the definition of PR
- Law Commission keen not to define PR ?
You use pr when turn 18-wont have any rights leal rights over her anymore – be careful cos rights is the first word when u talk about pr its not about ur child is possession and like a lot of family law there isn’t any precise definitions,good for contract but don’t here because people can then say they fall out of scope (wooly) every case is different
Although the Act does not define PR it will cover the following:?
- accommodation
- name
- education and religious upbringing
- discipline
- medical treatment
- marriage or civil partnership
- passport
- property and legal proceedings
- guardian
- adoption
- taking of blood
- diet
what is meant by covering the following?
so its child centred interests crossed with parents centred interests.
So accommodation is child centred bc nice for child to have home but wehre home is is responsibility of parent so there is a blance
what are the limitations?
- Criminal law- You have limitations- criminal law –cant assault child
- Requirement to obtain consent of anyone else with PR- Consent anyone else with pr
- Powers of LA- If la intervern authourity of child
- Orders of the court-Subject to ct order e.g child must have op to save life – limiting pr
- Gillick competence (see next week)Rights for child to make own decisions
- Human rights - if u infringe childs pr can limit pr
what is omitted from list?
Omitted from the list:
- financial support
- contact- can child have contact w both parents
Ways in which PR can be acquired for father not married to mother?
- a father registered on the birth certificate (s.4(1)(a) Children Act 1989)
- a father who has entered into a PR agreements with the mother (s.4(1)(b) CA 1989)
- a father who has obtained a PR order from the court
(s. 4(1)(c) CA 1989) - biological father marries the mother
- a father who has obtained a residence order from the court
- a father who has adopted his child
- he has been appointed to be a guardian
what is meant by Father not married to the mother (no automatic PR)?
When father is not married to mother, so unmarried couple and they both mother father, mother gets automatic PR, and the father doesn’t he has to acquire it, the father is automatically a genetic parent but he doesn’t have automatic respons,loads of ways u can qcquire it
what is meant by birth certificate?
-a father who has entered into a PR agreements with the mother (s.4(1)(b) CA 1989)?*
Pr agreements,you only have so much time to register childs time so if youre then out of time you can eneter into pr- with pr agreements there is a thing where mother under pressure so it has to be a subscribed…
e.g of pr agreeements?
If u have child or didn’t know you lost chance to go on birth cer 2nd best thing is pr agreement –described form-have to court and court has to asses or not whether there is any controlling factors, prescribed form = have to go court and you someone has to witness ur signatures, presumably idea is they judge whether or not you being under pressure, now obvs father enters pr with mother mother agrees, yes I would like u to have pr
what is the uptake on pr agreements?
uptake on these are very low – they are fairly rare, reason is if ur lving with someone and youre both parenting then why would u get pr agreement
- a father who has obtained a PR order from the court
(s. 4(1)(c) CA 1989)?
mother has not agreed, so father goes to court, court will make an order cos think its of best interest of child, only genetic father can apply ,- court will not make order unles better 4 child s.1(5)
biological father marries the mother?
If you are a biological gentic father and you marry the mother u get pr at that point- step fathers are excluded
a father who has obtained a residence order from the court
Residence pr cous u are looking avfter day to day welfare of child
what are there?
there are certain court orders that pr is catches to
what happened in Re m 2013?
Re M [2013] – rare for a father not to awarded PR-bc court will award pr and that put limits to it, is rare bc courts have extensive limit pr
what happened in Re L (Contact: Genuine Fear) [2002] ?
Re L – lived in fear child didn’t really have contact with father so this case decided weren’t in chids best interest- so no pr- can not mothers have no choice pr but fathers do
financial support and pr?
Financial support for child has nothing to do with pr so f u have child and ur are that genetic parent the courts with see u as financially repson for that child whether or not u have pr – 1 prob wwith pr women thing if he has pr he ahs to pay and if I do give him that means he ahs all the power I lose it, court can restrict pr as weve seen
what should we also consider for pr?
Consider: Step-parents and female non-biological parents in civil partnerships or marriage
what about female co-parent?
A female co-parent-Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008 – two female parents s.2(2A) CA 1989 – automatic if in a civil partnership
-if u biogilcal mother automatic pr and if youre in a civil partnership it works same way so no discrim between same sex female sam sex rels, so law is catching up with the way people live. So in effect child can have two female parents
what about step parent?
- A step-parent
s. 4 CA 1989
-can acquire pr if he as agreement of all those with pr, also can acquire pr through if father says no u can apply to the court for a court order, social parent absent father might be In childs interest to have pr
what about adoptive parents??
- Adoptive parents
- Once u adopt to acquire pr and those who have pr use it, could be parents (genetic) could be foster parents, foster carers or public auth, once adption order comes thru people who have pr lose it
what about Commissioning parents ?
- Commissioning parents -s.54 Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008
- People who have entered into a surrogacy arragenemt (commisionar), so u know couple and surrogate mother once given birth she has sole parental respons, even if not genetic is cos raised it, he cana cquire in ways talk about earlier, law is aware of arrangement and these aprents have to apply to court for parental order , parental order works a bit like adoption and when the parenting order is made, this eprosn loses pr and then the pr given to commissioning parents, just like adop but terminology different also 1 of them might be biolgoivally the father?
what about Special Guardians?
- Special Guardians
Adoption and Children Act 2002
- People like foster carers , reason special cos they may have a foster care rels for a long period of time bc u can foster kids 1moth yr 6 moths etc, long fostering arrangements= foster parents
what about Child’s guardian(s)?
- Child’s guardian(s)
s. 5(6) CA 1989
-Guardians by the parents aso parents can appoint guardians e.g in event of death so and so will look after child
what about Person in possession of a child arrangement order?
- Person in possession of a child arrangement order
- talk about later
what about the local auth?
- Person in possession of an emergency protection order
- The Local Authority
- Emergency Protection Order
s. 44 and s.33 CA 1989 - Placement Order
s. 25 Adoption and Children Act 2002
what about Person in possession of an emergency protection order
how many ways and how many bodies can apply?
10 ways and 10 bodies for people hoc an apply for pr o important, can stop tchild travelling operations etc so can be quite powerful
Can PR be lost?
yes, but not easy
-Re M [1994]-father killed mother infront of children, pr did he retain pr , yes he did, actual exercise of pr limited he in prison
s.2(6) CA 1989?
says if u do not lose pr just bc someone else acquires it so?? Telling u can have multiple people who have pr, child could have 4-5 people with pr but can be lost in the following ways below point 3
what ways can be pr be lost?
- Adoption
- Parental order under Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990-surrogacy arrangement
- Child reaches 18- no longer
-Termination of child arrangement order or care order
Where PR has been given by agreement, order or joint registration and terminated by a court order-child arrangement order- if parental order given by agreement it is terminated by court order so anything else u can apply to court to termiante respons, it tells u that it can be quite easy to acurie pr especially if you are an unmarried father and u register urself on brith certify this tells u that its much more diff to take away court doesn’t generally like taken away pr this cos we have esos that say best interest of 2 , better to now where u came froma dn who parents are and u can do something about it
The courts have taken away PR in the following cases?
Re P (Terminating Parental Responsibility) [1995] - father inflicted injuries on the child
Re H (Parental Responsibility) [1998] - father involved in sadism
Re A (Termination of Parental Responsibility) [2013] - father attacked mother- they terminanted on basis that father was a continuing threat and it didn’t play a big part In there lives anyway 1 things u need to have in head u cannot terminate pr by agreement only by court
Sharing PR?
PR may be shared
cases of sharing pr?
B v A, C and D [2006] – biological mother, same-sex partner and biological father – PR awarded (with limitations)-jointly and severally -court can limtited some can true pr and others limited
- s.2(7) CA 1989 – jointly and severally
- lack of hierarchy – possible conflicts- if u have lots of people pr =lac of hierarchy can cause conflict, might be problem with separated parents dif religions and views
- A number of cases suggest that joint agreement is required in some cases. Re J (Specific Issues Order Child Religious Upbringing and Circumcision) [2000]-Jint agreement although u can act alone sometiesm court insists agreement
more of sharing pr?*
- changing of child’s name, consent to marry- do need consent with everyone with pr
- in the event of conflict, the matter should be referred to the courts- conflict= go to courts
- Where the LA is involved, it may restrict the parents’ PR rights-
- s.2(8) CA 1989-if there is order than parents should aprent within order whether or not pr ??
- Refusal to grant PR order Re B (Role of Biological Father) [2007] – PR refused-increase in rise surrogacy he said he anted pr for child that wsa geneticllly his, court said it would upset balance so didn’t
Is PR transferable?
s.2(9) CA 1989 – no and you cannot surrender it, can only be taken away by court order means u cant have PRIVATE ADOPTION
Exercise of PR duties without having PR?
- emergency situations
s. 3(5) CA 1989- can call amb act as pr - step-parents-fall into funny catageories as they fulfil role of pr but might not actually have it, theyc an influence relgiom school etc but they don’t have pr
Rights of parents without PR?
THESE ARE GENETIC UNMARRIED FATHERS so if u don’t have pr u still have certain rights
- s.8 order- Apply s.8 order =private law orders you can apply for s.8 cos u are aprent
- succession rights-doesn’t matter whether u got pr or not who succeeds u
- notification if emergency protection order applied for
- citizenship passes through parents-citzen- u
- prohibition on parent/child marriages-cant marry ur culd
- liable for payment under child support legislation-liable for payment wehther or not pr or not
what is the conclusion?
- Even though a parent has PR if the child is living with someone else, exercise of that duty may be limited
- PR also undermined by the wishes of children being taken into account (more on this next week)
also as conclusion?
Even though lose pr gilet competence if child old enough make decision about own medical treatment don’t have to rely on parents??