Introduction To VLE And Values-Based Practice Flashcards
Why is Values, Law and Ethics (VLE) in the curriculum?
Doctors must make care of patients first concern, applying their knowledge + skills in a competent, ethical + professional manner + taking responsibility for their own actions in complex + uncertain situations
Newly qualified doctors must behave according to ethical and professional principles o must be able to:
Summarise current ethical dilemmas in medical science + healthcare practice; ethical issues that can arise in every clinical decision-making + apply ethical reasoning to situations which may be encountered in 1st years after graduation
What are some examples of ethical and legal dilemmas in health care?
- Supreme court backs agreed EOL decisions
- Who decides what is in child’s best interest? (Charlie Gard)
- Assisted dying bill: MP rejects ‘right to die’ law
What did professionals in health and social care commonly show a lack of adherence and understanding of?
Mental Capacity Act 2005, in particular, regarding assessment of capacity, process of making best interest decision + when an IMCA should be appointed
In terms of VLE, what should we work within?
- Legal framework
- Professional guidance (GMC)
- Ethical judgement
- Recognising diversity of values
What is the legal framework about treatment decisions?
Every human of adult years + sound mind has a right to determine what shall be done with their own body so a surgeon who performed an operation w/o consent commits an assault i.e. battery
What ethical principles and considerations should be thought about regarding treatment decisions?
Respect for autonomy Best interest of patient Impact on others Treating people fairly Being honest
In terms of the patient, what must we consider when making treatment decisions?
Patients values
Other values that count
How we ascertain/elicit the relevant values
What makes a good doctor as thought by the GMC?
Care of patients 1st concern Kind Competent Compassionate Knowledgeable Skills up to date Establish/maintain good relationships with patients/colleagues Treats patient with dignity + respect Honest/trustworthy Act with integrity Act within law
Doctors should treat the patient, not just the ___.
When deciding whether the public interest in disclosing information outweighs the patients, you must consider:
- Potential harm/distress to patient if disclosed
- Potential harm to trust in Drs
- Potential harm to others if not disclosed
- Potential benefits
- Nature of info to be disclosed + views expressed by patient
What are values?
What matters or is important to YOU e.g. principles, needs, wishes, preferences, hopes, ambitions, concerns, virtues etc
Why do people make different decisions?
Same evidence + different values
What is evidence-based practice (EBP)?
A process that supports clinical decision making where complex + conflicting EVIDENCE is in play
What is values-based practice (VBP)?
A process that supports clinical decision making where complex + conflicting VALUES are in play
What is the ten key process elements?
4 clinical skills
2 aspects of model of service delivery
3 strong links between VBP + EBP
Partnership in decision-making
When should VBP and EBP come together?
In shared decision making
How can you bring VBP and EBP together?
Listen to what matters to patient + understand evidence-based for options available
What are the benefits of shared decision making?
Improved clinical outcome
Better patient experience
Huge cost savings
What is involved in the clinical tool kit for working with values?
Ethics Law VBP Decision analysis Health economics Etc.
What is the Montogomery Supreme court law?
VBP + EBP must come together as the basis of shared-decision making
What 3 things do you integrate to carry out EBP?
- Best research evidence
- Clinical experience
- Patient values
When exercising judgement, professionals must take into account what guidelines?
GMC consent guidelines
NICE EBP guidelines for NHS
ALONGSIDE individuals needs, preferences + values of patients