Introduction to Public Health Flashcards
Define public health
The science and art of promoting and protecting health and wellbeing, preventing ill-health and prolonging life though the organised efforts of society.
What are the three domains of public health?
Health Protection
Healthcare services
Health Improvement
What are the six levels of public health action?
Social - (what is socially acceptable)
Biological - vaccination
Environment - green space
Behavioural - exercise, smoking etc
Legislative - age of purchasing alcohol
Structural - how institutions or organisation funcation
Define health inequalities
Differences in health between people or groups of people that may be considered unfair.
What is the difference between equality, equity and inequality addressed?
Equality - everyone has the same support
Equity - support has been tailored to need
Inequality addressed - systemic barriers have been removed.
What are the difference social determinants of health?
Food we eat
Family, Friends and Communities
Money and resources
Education and skills.
These are the non-medical factors that influence health
What do Dahlgren and Whitehead state as the main determinants of health?
Rainbow model
Biological factors - age, sex etc
Inidivdual lifestyle factors
Social and community networks
Living and working conditions
General socio-economic, cultural and environmental conditions.