Introduction To Nervous System Flashcards
The Nervous system
An exquisite and complex information processing system
Inout—-> analysis—> Outputs
Consists of an input that could be either external (Sensory) or Internal (Hormonal)
The Neuron
Electrical cell of the nervous system
Axon soma dendrites
Embryonic Development
The anterior end of the neural tube gives rise to three primary brain vesicles
Prosencephalon—> forebrain
Mesencephalon—> midbrain
Rhombencephalon—> hindbrain
Secondary brain vesicles of the forebrain (prosencephalon)
The adult brain structures : cerebrum—> cerebral hemisphere (cortex, white matter, basal nuclei) hippocampus
Adult neural canal regions: Lateral ventricles
Functions of Telencephalon
Definition of Basal Nuclei
Collection of nuclei that modulate motor functions of cerebral cortex
Hippocampus’s role?
Plays an important role in memory and spatial learning
Adult brain structures: (thalamus,hypothalamus,epithalamus), retina
Adult neural canal region: third ventricle
Function of the Thalamus
Sensory relay
Function of Hypothalamus
Cerebellar Divisions
Cerebrocerebellum: lateral hemisphere
Spinocerebellum: Vermis, Intermediate hemisphere
Reticular Formation
Contain loosely organized interconnected collection of neurons and fibers called reticular formation
Floculo-nodular lobe
Secondary brain vesicles of the midbrain(Mesencephalon)