Introduction to Medical Microbiology Flashcards
a contagious disease that is always present in a population
a contagious disease that spreads rapidly and widely
-an epidemic that spreads internationally affecting a significant proportion of the population
Black death
- entered England in 1348
- it killed 30-50% of the total population
- 1490s- Spain
- 1494- France
- then poland, italy, england
- by 1539 over 1 million cases in Europe - 1.5% of population died
Spanish Flu
- march 1918, Camp Funston, Kansas
- Oct 1918 world-wide pandemic
- one third of the world population infected, 6% died
- US median life span reduced by 12 years
- 1981
- started only seeing it in dead patients, homosexual men
- Nov 2002- July 2003
- New, highly contagious pneumonia
- world-wide 8000 cases and 10% case fatality rate (>50% for over 65)
Geographic origin of major pandemics
- plague- Asia
- syphilis- Central America
- influenza- Kansas/ Asia
- AIDS- Africa
- SARS- Guangdong, China
Biological origin of major pandemics
Unknown- plague
Other human pathogens- syphilis
Animals- SARS (Civets), Many influenza (Birds), AIDS (Monkeys)
-Pandemic microorganisms have many origins
Endemic infections
- many endemic infections have declines
- death rates from infections have declined
- deaths of children (5-14) 1840-2006- declined except for a couple of events
- syphilis has become rare and less serious
- declined from improved living conditions and hygiene: cholera and childbirth fever, but reappear in crowded, lack of hand washing
Reasons for decline in endemic infections
- unknown reasons- presumably mutations
- improved living conditions and hygiene: clean air, clean water
- vaccines and antibiotics
New infections have appeared
Legionnnaires' disease 1976 Lyme disease 1976 AIDS 1981 Toxic shock syndrome 1982 Influenza pandemics 1918, 1937, 1957, 1968, 2009 -Hepatitis B 1965 -SARS 2003 -Intentional anthrax epidemic 2001
Some conditions have been re-defined as infections
- stomach ulcers in 1980s
- cervical cancer in the 1990s
Future changes may be expected
New conditions might appear:
- influenza mutants
- infections from remote animals or other environment
- infection with drug resistant organisms
Known conditions might be discovered to be infectious:
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Multiple sclerosis
- Type-2 diabetes
- obesity
- hearts attacks and stroke
Infections gone because of vaccines
- smallpox
- polio
- diptheria