Introduction To Human Factors Flashcards
How are humans different from each other?
What are the basic needs of humans in the workplace?
Personal aspirations;
Job and career;
Future planning;
Conditions of employment;
Positive working environment;
Team membership;
Balance between: Individual ability and workload; Working time and rest periods;
Adequate physical
working conditions;
What is learning?
Learning is a relatively permanent change in behaviour brought about by an
What is learning?
Learning is a change in behaviour, is relatively permanent and brought about by an experience
What are the different learning strategies?
surface learning, deep
learning, and strategic learning
What is a serialist strategy?
Happy with information given bit by bit, in a neat logical order.
All fits tightly together as part of the same picture.
They don’t like uncertainty in the learning experience.
Cautious about accepting the explanation offered.
What is a holistic Strategy?
Wider picture in mind.
Thrive on anecdotes.
Can accept random bits of information, confident that at the end it will all fit together.
Happy with intermediate uncertainty.
Which of the 2 are strategies are best suited to ATC learning?
When examining a specific area in great depth, a
serialist approach is probably best; when examining a topic in its overall context, a holistic approach
would probably be more effective. Problem-solving calls for a combination of the approaches.
What is a surface learner?
Surface learners simply ‘scrape the surface’ of the
material being studied, without carrying out any deep processing of the material.
What is a Deep learner?
Deep learners make a serious attempt to turn other’s ideas
into their personalised knowledge.
What is a strategic learner?
Strategic learners consciously set out to achieve the
highest possible grades.
What are the processes for learning?
Blooms Cognitive Taxonomy:
What is Blooms revised Cognitive Taxonomy?
What is communication?
Transmission of information & Reception of
What is perception?
Perception Is the interpretation we put on the information we constantly receive
through our senses: What we see; What we hear; What we smell etc
What is the process of understanding?
Input Problem—> Mental Processing—> Solution
^ | \ correct.
| | \
Revise input. Revise mental thinking. \ Solution
^ ^ wrong
| | |
| ———————-Rethink<__________________|
What are the important POINTS of understanding?
Three important points:
There must be a problem.
The student may not be able to solve the problem.
The student must make an input.
What are the reasons for automation?
Stops idleness;
Routine unskilled task performed consistently;
Does not require indefinite monitoring;
Does not care for opinion and respect.