Introduction to Histology Part 1 Flashcards
___ a group of cells found together in the body
What the four primary types of tissues form organs within the body?
Epithelial tissue
Connective tissue
Muscle tissue
Nervous tissue
___ lines body surfaces and forms glands
- cells fit closely together forming sheets
- —–Desmoses and tight junctions hold adjacent cells together
- Apical surface
- Basal surface
- Avascular ( no blood vessels)
- High capacity to regenerate
Epithelial Tissue
_____( unattached) faces exterior or a lumen ( space in the body)
Apical surface
_____ (attached) anchored to extracellular fibers (basal lamina)
Basal surface
___ (CT) - Supports other tissues
*specialized cells dispered in non-living extracellular material -
*Ground substance
-Three main categories of CT: CT proper, Supporting CT, Fluid CT
Connective Tissue
___ network of protein fibers surrounding cells in CT
Extracellular Matrix
______ Extracellular material that varies in consistency from thin liquid (plasma in blood), viscous liquid (maple syrup consistence in CT proper), gel (firm gel in cartilage) or solid (hydroxyapatite in bone). structurally and functionally diverse
*Three main categories of CT:
CT proper, Supporting CT, Fluid CT
Ground substance
What are the three main categories of CT:
- CT proper ( includes strom of soft organs, tendons, and adipose)
- Supporting CT (includes bone cartilage)
- Fluid CT (includes lymph and blood)
The following are what : Fibrosyte Adipocyte Erythrocyte Luekocyte Osteocyte Chondrocyte
Major CT Cell
___ mature cells that maintain the matrix (collagen) of CT proper
___ Store fat in CT proper ( abundant in adipose tissue)
___ transport oxygen in blood
____ defend against infection
___ Mature cells that maintain the matrix of bone
____ Mature cells that maintain the matrix of cartilage
\_\_\_\_\_ contracts to produce motion Three main categories: *Skeletal muscle *Smooth muscle *Cardiac muscle
Muscle tissue
What are the three main categories of muscle Tissue?
Skeletal muscle
smooth muscle
cardiac muscle
___ connected to bones through tendons
Skeletal muscle
___ lines hollow organs
Smooth muscle
___ forms wall of heart
Cardiac muscle
_____ rapidly transmit and process information
- found in brain, spinal cord, and nerves
- Contains specialized cells called nuerons and nueroglia
Nervous Tissue
___ a continuous flat multi-cellular sheet that covers or lines a body part.
Two major types:
Epithelial membrane
Cutaneous membrane
___ made of both epithelial and connective tissues
Epithelial membrane
___ cover the external surfaces of the body
- Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
- Bound to underlying areolar CT
- Epidermis and dermis
Cutaneous membrane
“ cutaneous means skin”
____ line cavities that open to the exterior
- moist membrane
- Varies in epithelium bound to underlying areolar CT
- Respiratory, digestive, urinary
Mucous membrane
____ line ventral cavities that are closed to the exterior
- simple squamous (mesothelium) on a thin layer of areolar CT
- Parietal layer
- Visceral layer
- Serous fluid is secreted between the two layers
Serous membranes
What lines cavity walls ?
Parietal layer
What lines organs?
Visceral layer
What are some examples of serous membranes?
What serous membrane surrounds the lungs?
What serous membrane surrounds the heart?
What serous membrane lines abdominal cavity and abdominal organs?
____ made of only connective tissue no epithelium
CT membranes
______Lines inner surface of joint cavities
- Areolar connective tissue only
- Secrete synovial fluid for lubrication
Synovial Membrane
\_\_\_\_\_\_ clotting ( coagulation) reduces blood loss from damaged blood vessels * A network of fibrin protein traps blood cells and binds the edges together.
Wound healing steps ?
- Hemostatsis
3 Granulation/ proliferation/ migration - Remodeling
____ response of the body to injury works to increase the number of leukocytes in the tissue to defend against infection and remove damaged tissue.
- Inflammatory chemicals attract leukocytes
- Four cardinal signs of inflammation::: Redness, heat, swelling, pain
- Vasodilation
- Blood vessels becomes “leaky” allowing leukocytes and fluid to move from the blood into the interstitial (extracellular) tissue spaces resulting in swelling
_____ the widening of the blood vessels leads to increased blood flow
___ Fibroblasts from the surrounding connective tissue fill in the wound with a network of extracellular fibers and blood vessels grow through forming granulation tissue. Epithelial cells grow in from edges along the damaged surface.
_____ fibers of the connective tissue are reorganized to maximize strength and minimize scarring.
What are the steps of remodeling?
____ damaged tissue is replaced by the same type of tissue.
*Epithelial, CT proper, & bone regenerate easily; muscle and cartilage regenerates poorly
____ damaged tissue is replaced by scar tissue ( dense connective tissue)
*Cardiac muscle and nervous tissue does not regenerate and is replaced by scar tissue.
What is the Classification of Epithelia?
Number of layers : *Simple *stratified *pseudostratified Cell shape at the apical surface: *Squamous *Cuboidal *columnar
___ one layer
____ more than one layer
____ one layer that looks like two
_____ flattened
____ cube-shaped ( same width and height)
____column-shaped ( taller than wide)
Description: single layer of flat cells
Function: diffusion and secretion
Location: Air sacs ( alveoli) in lungs, serous membranes that line body cavities (mesothelium), inner lining of blood vessels (endothelium), portion of the nephrons in kidneys ( parietal layer of bowman’s capsule, and the thin segments of the loops of Henle).
Simple Squamous Epithelium
Description: Single layer of cube-like cells, central round nucleus.
Function: Secretion and absorption
Location: portions of the nephrons in kidneys (proximal and distal convoluted tubules, thick segments of the loops of Henle), ducts of glands, follicles of thyroid.
Simple cuboidal Epithelium
Description: Single layer of tall cells, oval nuclei, often includes goblet cells, which produce mucus.
Function: absorption nutrients and secretion
Location: lines digestive tract and uterine tubes
Simple Columnar Epithelium
Description: Many layers and the cells at the apical surface are flattened.
Function: protect underlying tissue from abrasion
Location: Skin, mouth, esophagus, rectum, vagina
Stratified squamous Epithelium
Description: two (or more) layers of cuboidal cells
Function: secretion
Location: lines ducts of sweat glands
Stratified cuboidal Epithelium
Description: Apical cells are columnar, cells underneath vary in size and shape
Function: secretion
Location: Ducts of salivary glands
Stratified columnar Epithelium
Description: single layer with columnar cells at apical surface but appears stratified without careful study to view that all the cells contact the basal lamina. Some cells are shorter than others, jumbled nuclei contains goblet cells and cilia.
Function: Secretion and propel substances (mucus) across cell surface
Location: Portions of respiratory tract (nasal cavity, larynx and trachea)
Pseudostratified columnar epithelium
Description: Numerous layers, basal cells appear cuboidal, apical cells very from dome shaped large cuboidal to wide large squamous.
*Function:Stretches to permit distension of urinary organs
Location: Lines ureters, urinary bladder, and portions of kidney (renal pelvis)
Transitional Epithelium
____ a structure made up of one or more cells modified to synthesize and secretes chemical substance.
What gland is this?
- Expels secretions directly into surrounding tissue, diffuses into bloodstream
- Ductless
- Secretes hormones
- Examples: thyroid, pituitary, adrenal glands, gonads.
Endocrine glands
What gland is this?
- Expels secretions onto a surface through a duct.
- Examples: Globlet cells (Unicellular), sweat and oil (sebaceous) glands in the skin ( multicellular)
Exocrine glands
What are the two examples Structural classification of exocrine glands ?
Branching of the ducts:
Simple and compound
Shape of secretory portion:
alveolar( acinar)
_____ Single unbranched duct
____ branched duct
_____ elongated tube shape
____ expanded pocket or sac shape
alveolar (acinar)
___ combination of tube shape with an expanded end
What are the 6 types of connective tissues?
Areolar Connective tissue Adipose Connective Tissue Reticular connective Tissue Dense regular connective tissue Dense irregular connective tissue Elastic Connective tissue
Description: loose CT proper
*Matrix:Fluid-gel with collagen fibers, reticular fibers, and elastic fibers
*Various cells- mesenchymal cells, fibroblast, fibrocyts, adipocytes, & leukocytes ( for example: Lymphocytes, mast cells, macrophages).
Function: supports epithelial tissue, space enables blood vessels to travel
Location: Common under epithelia in mucous and serous membranes
Areolar Connective Tissue
Description: loose CT proper
*Matrix is same as an areolar CT tissue
*Closely packed adipocytees (fat cells)
*Fat globules take up the cytoplasm pushing nucleus to the side.
Function: insulation, cushion, fuel reserve
Location: Found under skin around kidneys, abdomen, breast
Adipose Connective Tissue
Description: loose CT proper, delicate network of interwoven reticular fibers
Function: Forms soft supportive skeleton for organs (stroma)
Location: found in spleen, lymph nodes, bone marrow, liver.
Reticular Connective tissue
Description: CT proper with numerous parallel collagen fibers
*Matrix: parallel bundles of collagen fibers
*cells fibroblast/fibrocytes
Function: resist uniderectional stress
Location: Tendons attaching muscle to bone & Ligaments -connecting bones
Dense regular connective tissue
Description: CT proper with numerous collagen fibers running different directions
*Matrix:ramdomly arranged bundlees of collagen fibers
*cells: fibroblast/fibrocytes
Function: resists multidirectional stress
Location: Dermis of the skin, joint capsules, fibrous capsules surrounding organs.
Dense irregular connective tissue
What are the type of supporting CT?
Hyaline cartilage
Elastic cartilage
Fibro cartilage
Description: Dense CT proper
*Martix: bundles of collagen fibers with numerous elastic fibers
Function: resists stress, stretches and recoils
Location: Elastic arteries such as the aorta
Dense Elastic connective Tissue
what type of supporting CT is this?
Description: Most common type of cartilage, appears glassy and uniform
*Martix: proteoglycans ( collagen proteins modified with chondroitin sulfate)
*cells: Chondrocytes in lacunae
Functions provide structure yet flexible
Location: nose, ends of bones, costal cartilage, tracheal rings.
Hyaline Cartilage
What type of supporting CT is this?
Similar to hyaline cartilage with numerous elastic fiber bundles.
Description: Elastic fibers surrounded by proteoglycans, Chondrocytes
Function: very flexible, able to tolerate repeated bending and maintain shape
Location: external ear, eustachian tube, and the epiglottis
Elastic Cartilage
similar to hyaline cartilage with numerous bundles of collagen fibers
Description: Bundles of collegen surrounded by proteoglycans, chondrocytes
Function: withstands heavy pressure and highly compressible
Location: Intervertebral discs, pubic symphysis, and menisci
Fibro Cartilage
Description: Bundles of densely packed collagen fibers forming plates (lamellae) and struts ( trabeculae)
*Martix: Collagen fiberssurrounded by solid calcium salts (hydroxyapatite)
*Cells: Osteocytes within lacunae
Function hard tissue provides structures for the body and the protection of organs
Location: the Skeleton
Bone ( Osseous Tissue)
What are two types of fluid CT?
Blood and Lymph
Description: liquid that is colored red from numerous erythrocytes
*Matrix: plasma (mostly water with dissolved nutrients, minerals, proteins)
*cells: erythrocytes ( red blood cells), Leukocytes (for example: neutrophils, lymphocytes, & monocytes) and thrombocytes (platelets)
Function: a transport materials ( example: oxygen is transported from lungs)
Location: within organs of the cardiovascular system (heart and blood vessels)
Description: Clear liquid
*Martix: similar to plasma
*Cells: Leukocytes (for example: lymphocytes & monocytes)
Function: drain extracellular fluid, transport materials(e.g. flat from intestines)
Location: Lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes