Introduction to ESA Flashcards
Environmental problems are complex, but what is the complexity? ( What kinds of complexities are inherent to environmental problems?)
Ontological complexity:
- heterogeneous components ( technical, physical, human);
- variety of relationships ( ecological, physical, economic, political etc.)
- Non-linear relationships
Societal complexity:
- Different groups of people are involved in management and governance
- Environmental resources have different meanings and different degrees of value, purposes and benefits;
-Conflicting interests.
Analytical Complexity:
- Complicated systems;
- Imperfect knowledge of the mechanisms involved & their interaction;
What is systems analysis?
System analysis is based on these questions: What are the elements of a system and how do they interact?
What is crucial in ESA?
Scales: temporal and spatial - they determine appropriate analytical and modelling approach as drivers of environmental change operate at different spatial and temporal scales ; Stakeholders - their awareness and input is required.
What is ESA?
ESA involves the study of complex environmental problems by identifying and analysing:
●potential solutions
The research is quantitative and qualitative, multi-and transdisciplinary and integrates knowledge from natural, social and engineering sciences
What does ESA integrate?
- Disciplines ( different natural and social sciences)
- Compartments (terrestrial and aquatic environments, atmosphere)
- Dimensions and scales ( local to global, national to international, years to centuries)
What are the critical elements of ESA?
processes, feedbacks, synergies, tipping points and trade-offs.
as well as stakeholders.
What are the steps in problem formulation?
- Identify boundary conditions and scales
- Identify the stakeholders
- Detailed problem formulation
- Formulation of the research objective
What are the steps in the analysis of the problem?
- Select research approach
- Construct and/ or apply mode and/or tools
- Analyse and rank alternative response options
What are the main ESA tools?
- Ecosystem service mapping and analysis
- Environmental cost-benefit analysis
- Scenario analysis
- Life Cycle Assessment
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Environmental modelling
- Multi-criteria analysis
- Stakeholder analysis
- Causal diagram/ DPSIR
Which channel to use to disseminate your results depends on your audience. What are relevant options to communication about your results to science, to policymakers, to the general public, and to involved stakeholders?
To science its scientific articles. To policymakers its reports/ policy briefs and to general public its news articles or websites
Which channel to use to disseminate your results depends on your audience. What are relevant options to communication about your results to science, to policymakers, to the general public, and to involved stakeholders?
To science its scientific articles. To policymakers its reports/ policy briefs and to the general public its news articles or websites
What is the difference between an analysis, a review and an assessment?
- To analyze something is to separate a whole into its component parts, which allows a person to break something complex down into simpler and more basic elements. So scientific connotation, aimed at generating new insights.
- On the other hand, an assessment is defined as the act of making a judgment about something. To assess something, you are estimating the value or character of the object. An assessment is to support policymaking or inform general public.
- To review is to survey or to look broadly over. So synthesis and review is to compile existing knowledge and setting a research agenda.
Which ESA tools can be used to rank alternatives?
Scenario analysis and multi-criteria analysis? ( not sure)
What are the steps in dissemination?
Synthesis and communication
What are the aims of the three major steps of the Flex-Step Method?
The main purpose of the Problem Formulation Phase is to come to a clear and unequivocal description of the problem under consideration, leading to the formulation of the objective of the study or assessment. The main purpose of the Analysis Phase is the actual research.
And the main purpose of the Dissemination step is to communicate the outcomes of the study and facilitate decision making.