Introduction to Chemistry Flashcards
What is Chemistry?
the science that explores changes in matter and energy.
Name the branches of Chemistry
- Organic chemistry
- Inorganic chemistry
- Biochemistry
- Physical chemistry
- Analytical chemistry
What is Organic Chemistry?
Organic chemistry is the study of matter that contains carbon
What do orgnaic chemists study?
Organic chemists study the structure, function, synthesis, and identity of carbon compounds
What is organic chemistry useful in?
Useful in petroleum industry, pharmaceuticals, polymers
What is Inorganic Chemistry?
Inorganic chemistry is the study of matter that does NOT contain carbon
What do Inorganic Chemists study?
Inorganic chemists study the structure, function, synthesis, and identity of non-carbon compounds
What is Inorganic chemistry useful in?
Polymers, metallurgy
What is Biochemistry?
Biochemistry is the study of chemistry in living things
What is biochemistry a cross between?
Cross between biology and chemistry
What is Biochemistry useful in?
Pharmaceuticals and genetics
What is Physical Chemistry
Physical chemistry is the physics of chemistry… the forces of matter
Much of physical chemistry is what?
Much of p-chem is computational
What is Physical Chemistry useful for?
Develop theoretical ideas for new compounds
What is Analytical Chemistry?
Analytical chemistry studies and uses instruments and methods used to separate, identify and quantify matter (precipitation, extraction, distillation)