Introduction to cells - Pictures/Diagrams Flashcards
Draw and label the following prokaryotic cell
Draw and label the following prokaryotic cell
Draw a labelled diagram of the fluid mosaic model

Label the organelles of the following cell

Identify and draw the following organelle
Identify and draw the following organelle
Identify and draw the following organelle
Identify and draw the following organelle
Identify and draw the following organelle
Identify and draw the following organelle
Identify and draw the following organelle
Identify and draw the following organelle
Identify and draw the following organelle
Identify and draw the following organelle
Identify the phase of mitosis
(Drawing attached for clarity)
Identify the phase of mitosis
(Drawing attached for clarity)
Identify the phase of mitosis
(Drawing attached for clarity)
Identify the phase of mitosis
(Drawing attached for clarity)
Identify the phase of mitosis
Draw a diagram demonstrating endocytosis
Draw a diagram demonstrating exocytosis