introduction to biostatistics Flashcards
it is a branch of statistics that applies statical methods to a wide range of topics in science (examples)
(biology, medicine, public health)
it is a a fundamental discipline at the core of modern health and underpins most key public health research disciplines such as epidemiology and the services research
the study of factors that determine the occurrence and distribution of a disease in a population (example)
(prevalent disease in Palawan is malaria
- how many ppl hv immunity against malaria
- how many cases of malaria r there?)
briefly explain the 2 types of epidemiology
classical epidem: (population)
studies the distribution and determinates (how) of disease in a population
fr ex: study how many gets the flu each year and how
clinical epidem: (improve care for INDIV patients)
application of principles of epidemiology to clinical med
- patient care
- clinical decision making
= helps doc make btr decision abt diagnosing n treating
subject: is anyone/ anything that is the focal point of the study and it is the source of data for the research
population: [totality of the grp] grp of indiv/ items which consists of all possible subjects of interest
true or false:
defining the subject/ population is one of the most critical step in research
the complete set group of individuals, whether that group comprises a nation or a group of people with common characteristics
what type of questionnaire do you give to the population rather than a sample?
census - answer of the whole population
a representative subset of population
a process used in which a predetermined number of observations are taken from a larger population
it is a smaller set (or a subset) of the population
it is a subset that provides an accurate picture of the whole population
Representative sample
explain why the data collection from a sampler may not be 1:1 to the data collected from the population but is very similar to one another
For example:
40 students in the class.
Sir asked whether they wanted asynch or synch. Most said asynch.
Now if Sir gets a sample of 15 students. Majority will still say asynch. Hence, it is not 1:1 but very similar to each other.
if only certain members of the population are chosen systematically, this can be misinterpreted
how to avoid that
biased sample
to avoid that, use random sampling to ensure lack of bias
what are the strategies for obtaining a random sample
3 pri types:
simple random sampling
stratified random sampling
systematic random sampling