Introduction to Biological Anthropology and Archaeology Flashcards
discipline that overlaps with a number of other disciplines in the sciences, social sciences and humanity
what do anthropologist study?
▪ cultural and biological evolution of modern humans and non-human primate relatives
▪ patterns of variation in the adaptions of living and fossil humans and other primates
change over time
▪ old car to electric car
▪ old fashion clothing and hairstyles to new
▪ tech, behaviour
biological evolution
genetic change over time resulting in the formation of new species
group of organisms that can interbreed to produce fertile offspring
reproductive isolation
▪ members of one species are thus reproductively isolated from members of another species
▪ form small groups
▪ brings organisms together and identifies them as distinct groups
ex. humans belong to a single species: Homo sapiens/modern humans
biological/behavioural response of an organism to its environment
human adaptations
▪ big brain
▪ complex lang
▪ tool use
▪ bipedal
big brain
evolution of large brains relative to body size which is feature of modern humans that distinguishes us from all other mammals
complex lang
developed the use of a complex and written form of comm
no other animals have a lang system as complex as verbal lang and capability of written lang
tool use
ability to make complex tools and degree of mastery/innovation is very unique to humans among mammals
walking on two legs; efficient mode of locomotion
term for members of the evolutionary group that includes modern humans and all extinct bipedal relatives
physical manifestations
physical materials that organisms leave behind
ex. teeth, bones, tools
trace fossils
remains/impressions of an organism that they leave behind
ex. footprints
4 fields of anthro
▪ social cultural
▪ linguistic
▪ archaeology
▪ biological
social cultural
patterns of belief and behaviours of human cultures in the past and present (religions, beliefs, rituals, mythology, tech, gender roles, practices of how they raise their children)
origin and evolution of human speech, lang, writing systems, symbols, social identity, cultural beliefs
(study helps understand anatomical and physiological adaptations that allow us to create and understand a very complex spoken and written lang system)
lifeways of past populations through the analysis of remains they leave behind
material culture (arc)
items and artifacts that past populations have made, modified, or used and thrown away during their lifetimes
ex. hand axe, cave art, jewelry, remains of housing structures, hearth(firepit)
includes genetics evolutionary biology, and growth and development by studying the biology and behaviours of humans, non-human primates, and ancestors
Subfields of Biological Anthro
▪ paleoanthropology ▪ primate paleontology ▪ interdisciplinary approach ▪ anthropometry ▪ osteology/skeletal bio ▪ paleopathology ▪ forensic antro ▪ human pop bio and variation ▪ molecular antro ▪ primatology
the evolution of humans and their ancestors to understand the circumstances that led to modern humans
▪ includes bio and behaviour
▪ use fossils as info to reconstruct anatomy, locomotion, diet
rates of growth in development
▪ relies on knowledge from anatomy, geology, geography, ecology
primate paleontology
the primate fossil record
use fossil record to reconstruct the structure, function, and environmental context of instinct primates
interdisciplinary approach
anatomy, geology, geography, ecology
measure of human physical form and variability
ex. measurements can be used to make chairs and desks
osteology/skeletal bio
skeletal structure and function of living and nonliving pops
bioarchaeology (o/s bio)
skeletal material from archaeology sites
growth and development
▪ paleopathology
disease and trauma in past pops
▪ criba orbitaila: black eye skeleton; extreme iron deficiency
▪ enamel hypoplasia: horizontal lines; severe nutritional stress or high fever
▪ syphilis: bumpy forehead; STI
forensic antro
rely on osteology and archaeology for legal applications
▪ work in labs and fields to identify and analyze human remains from plane crashes, hurricanes, or crime scenes
human pop bio and variation
how humans vary in response to stressors in their environments (latitude, altitude, temps)
▪ study why some pops can tolerate some diseases/med conditions compared to others
molecular antro
genetics of modern humans, non-human primates, and fossil ancestors
bio and behaviour of non-human primates
▪ studies their diet, locomotion, comm, social and reproductive behaviours
▪ rep our closest living relatives
Biological Anthropology: A Scientific Discipline
▪ testable explanations of our observations/experiences = hypotheses
▪ information collected to test hypotheses = data
▪ replicability of results
▪ theories are not facts!(testable explanations of facts)