Introduction to Baroque Flashcards
What term does “three-part form A || B || A ||” refer to?
ternary form
What term does “Section A generally ends with a closed cadence in the tonic key” refer to?
ternary form
What term does “a Baroque philosophy inspired by ancient Greek and Roman writers and orators” refer to?
the “affections”
What was the most important genre to emerge from the Baroque era?
the concerto
What term does “opening material from Section A returns after Section B material” refer to?
rounded binary form
What term does “results in stark contrast rather than gradual change” refer to?
terraced dynamics
What term does “in Baroque music, a single “affection” or “affect” (one clear emotion) is usually projected through an entire composition or movement” refer to?
the “affections”
What term does “key structure similar to binary form” refer to?
rounded binary form
What term does “provides harmonic framework for the performance of a vocal or instrumental work” refer to?
figured bass
What term does “vocal music depicted the emotions of the text or dramatic situation” refer to?
The “affections”
in figured bass, which note does an accidental without a number indicate?
raise, lower, or make natural the third of the chord
What term does “Baroque practice of changing dynamics abruptly” refer to?
terraced dynamics
What term does “Section B generally creates contrast with a different key and/or new material” refer to?
ternary form
What term does “performed or “realized” by the basso continuo” refer to?
figured bass
What term does “two-part musical form: A || B + A1 ||” refer to?
rounded binary form
What term does “refers to emotional states of the soul” refer to?
the “affections”
Who wrote “On Playing the Flute”?
Johann Joachim Quantz (colleague of C. P. E. Bach)
What term does “harmonies usually played on a keyboard instrument such as the harpsichord or organ, or on a plucked string instrument such as the lute” refer to?
basso continuo
What term does “Section A generally ends with an authentic cadence in the dominant or relative major key” refer to?
binary form
What term does “Baroque performance practice and shorthand” refer to?
basso continuo
What term does “provides harmonic framework for the performance of a vocal or instrumental work” refer to?
basso continuo
How did dynamics work on keyboard instruments in the Baroque era
performers used terraced dynamics
What term does “from the Portuguese barroco meaning “irregularly shaped or misshapen pearl”” refer to?
What term does “often used in Baroque arias” refer to?
ternary form
What term does “two-part form: A || B ||” refer to?
binary form
Who wrote “Essay on the True Art of Playing Keyboard Instruments”?
C. P. E. Bach (Carl Phillip Emmanuel)
What term does “now generally used with reference to the art, architecture, and music of the 17th and early 18th centuries” refer to?
What term does “both parts often repeated” refer to?
binary form
What era did the affects come from?
The baroque era- 1600-1750
What term does “first used as a derogatory term in reference to the ornate art and music of the 18th century” refer to?
Who wrote “A Treatise on the Fundamental Principles of Violin Playing”?
Leopold Mozart (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s father)
What term does “also referred to as the “Doctrine of Affections” or “the affects”” refer to?
the “affections”
Who wrote “Traité de l’harmonie”?
Jean Phillipe Rameau
True or False
The Baroque era oversaw the beginning of composers writing in tempos
Baroque composers often assumed that the performer would be able to choose a suitable tempo based on the meter and the musical characteristics of a score.
What term does “numbers are placed above or below the bass line to show harmonic progression” refer to?
figured bass
What term does “generally involves two performers—one playing the notated bass line, one realizing the harmonies indicated by the figured bass” refer to?
basso continuo
What term does “a musical shorthand developed in the Baroque era” refer to?
figured bass
What term does “frequently used in Baroque dances and keyboard pieces” refer to?
binary form