Introduction and Medical Math Flashcards
What is anesthesia?
lack of sensation or feeling, or an unconscious state with amnesia, analgesia, and suppressed reflexes
What is analgesia?
absences of pain in response to an otherwise painful stimulus
What is nociception? Does it require consciousness?
neural process that underlies the conscious perception of pain
no - can occur with general anesthesia
What is the difference between local, regional, and general anesthesia?
LOCAL - loss of pain sensation in a circumscribed body area
REGIONAL - loss of pain sensation in a body area that is defined by a pattern of effected nerves (femoral-sciatic nerve block used for TLPOs)
GENERAL - drug-induced unconscious state gained by reversible and controlled depression of the CNS and perception
What are 2 requirements for general anesthesia?
- inhibition of transduction, transmission, and modulation of nociceptive stimuli (patient will not be aroused by painful/noxious stimuli, like towel clamps)
- depressed/attenuated sensory, motor, and autonomic reflexes
What is the difference between tranquilization and sedation?
T = behavioral change with relief of anxiety, but continued awareness of surroundings (anxiolytics)
S = central depression with drowsiness and relaxation; patient is unaware, but arousable to noxious stimuli
What is the difference between narcosis and hypnosis?
N = deep sleep state with difficult arousal
H = trance, sleep state with easy arousal
What are the 4 requirements for surgical general anesthesia?
- unconsciousness
- amnesia
- muscle relaxation
- hypoalgesia
What is balanced anesthesia? What are 4 requirements?
anesthesia achieved with multiple drugs and techniques used simultaneously
- amnesia
- antinociception
- muscle relaxation
- suppressed autonomic reflexes
How do dogs and cats compare with sedation and anesthesia risk?
DOGS = 1.7 in 1000 have anesthesia-related mortality
CATS = 2.4 in 1000 have anesthesia-related mortality
(EQUINE = 0.08-1.8% mortality)
What are the most common causes of anesthesia-related mortalities in dogs and cats?
DOGS = emergencies, no physical exam, underweight, anemia
CATS = emergencies, smaller size, intubation, IV fluid overload
What are 3 signs of CNS depression gained by anesthesia?
- loss of consciousness
- dampening of reflexes - hypotension, hypoventilation, hypothermia
- modulation of nociception - analgesia, antinociception
What are 4 sigsn of cardiovascular depression gained by anesthesia?
- reflex suppression (baroreceptor)
- changes in autonomic balance
- changes in vasomotor tone
- myocardial depression (direct = drugs; indirect = hypoxemia, hypercapnia, acidosis)
What are 5 signs of respiratory depression caused by anesthesia?
- reflex suppression - decreased ventilatory response to increased PCO2 and decreased pH and PO2
- reduced respiratory muscle activity
- alveolar collapse/small airway closure (atelectasis)
- reduced functional residual capacity
- increased ventilation/perfusion mismatch
1 g = ______ mg
1 mg = _____ ug
1 ug = ______ mg
1000 mg
1000 ug
0.001 mg
How may mg/mL is 2% Lidocaine?
2% = 2g/100mL
= 2000mg/100mL = 20mg/mL
How many mg is 25 ug?
25/1000 = 0.025 mg
(25 ug x 0.001mg/1ug)
How many mg/mL is a 50% solution of dextrose?
50% = 50g/100mL
= 50000mg/100mL = 500mg/ml
Our maximum dose of bupivacaine is 0.4 mL/kg of 0.5% bupivacine. How many mg/kg is the max dose?
0.5% = 0.5g/100mL
= 500mg/100 mL = 5mg/mL
(5mg/mL) x (0.4mL/kg) = 2 mg/kg
What is the most common dilution?
1:10 —> 1 part drug, 9 parts diluent (saline) = 10 mg/mL
1:100 —> 0.1 part drug, 9.9 parts diluent = 1 mg/mL
How can 40 mg/mL of dopamine be diluted to 4 mg/mL?
add 1 mL of dopamine (40mg) plus 9 mL saline given 40 mg in 10 ml = 4 mg/mL
How can 40 mg/mL of dopamine be diluted to 5 mL of 10 mg/mL?
5 mL x 10 mg/mL = 50 mg
50mg/(40 mg/mL) = 1.25 ml of stock dopamine
5-1.25 = 3.75 ml saline
If a 20 kg dog is receiving Fentanyl at 5 ug/kg/hr and fluids are at 5 mL/kg/hr, what is the CRI?
20kg x (5ug/kg/hr) = 100 ug/hr
(100ug/hr)/(50ug/mL) = 3 mL/hr
How can a 5ug/mL solution of 50ug/mL stock Fentanyl be made in a buretrol? What is the drip rate (1 mL = 60 drops)? Total anesthetic maintenance fluids?
40 mL of 5 ug/mL = 200 ug of Fentanyl
4 mL of 50ug/mL stock = 4 mL, add 36 mL saline
(100 ug/hr)/(5ug/mL) = 20 mL/hr
((20 mL/hr) x (60 drops/min)/60 min/hr = 20 drops/min
in a 60 drop/mL drip, mL/hr = drops/min
total anesthesia fluids = 100 mL/hr
100-20 = 80 mL
A 20 kg dog is receiving 5 ug/kg/min of dopamine delivered at 2 mL/hr. What is the CRI? If dopamine stock is 40 mg/mL how should it be diluted?
20 kg x (5 ug/kg/min) = 100 ug/min
100 ug/min x 60 min = 6000 ug/hr
6000ug/2ml = 3000 ug/mL
make 20 mL = 60000 ug
60000ug/(1000ug/mg) = 60 mg
60mg/(40mg/mL) = 1.5 mL dopamine
1.5 mL dopamine + 18.5 saline = 20 mL of 3 mg/mL
Dopamine stock is 40 mg/mL. How would you make a syringe of 10 mL dopamine that is 5 mg/mL? A 5 mL syringe that is 20 mg/mL?
10 mL x (5 mg/mL) = 50 mg
50 mg / (40 mg/mL) = 1.25 mL of stock
1.25 mL dopamine stock + 8.75 mL of saline = 10 mL
5 mL x (20 mg/mL) = 100 mg
100 mg / (40 mg/mL) = 2.5 mL of stock
2.5 mL dopamine stock + 2.5 mL saline = 5 mL