How can we improve our attitudes in regard to disability?
- Focus on people’s similarities
- Consider the person first
- Emphasize each person’s abilities
- Communicate respect
- Use consistent Terminology
What is a disability?
“A person with a disability is anyone who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.”
What are some common characteristics of disabling conditions?
- Episodic (sporadic) vs Continuous
- Age of onset
- Length of time with the condition
- Prognosis of the condition
- Severity of the condition
- Heterogeneity and variability
- Visible vs Hidden
- Current health status
What does it mean to experience episodic or continuous symptoms in regard to disability?
- episodic: experience changes in symptoms from day to day even from hour to hour
- continuous: may only change as the individual ages
Why is the age of onset important in regard to disability?
- influence a person’s approach to leisure
- congenital or acquired
Why is the length of time with a disability important?
- ex.) who sustained a spinal cord injury 10-15 years ago will most likely approach leisure opportunities differently than someone who is adjusting to a recent spinal cord injury.
Why is the prognosis of the condition important?
- also affect how a person will engage in leisure
- someone whose body is deteriorating will be less likely to participate in leisure
Why is the severity of an individual’s condition important in regard to leisure?
- severity of a condition influences a person’s level of participation
- someone with physical and cognitive limitations may require more support and/or assistance than someone with just physical or just cognitive limitations.
What is heterogeneity and variability concerning disability?
- describes diversity and differences within a category, group or condition
- ex.) different types of amputation (location, time)
What are hidden and visible disabilities and why are they important?
- amputation vs brain injury
- can you see that someone is disabled?
Why is current health status important in regard to disability?
- implies that the challenges of a disability will be magnified (made worse) if the person is also dealing with an illness