Introduction Flashcards
A purposeful activity with specific aims
The scientific study of behaviour and mind, including behaviour and mental processes
Observable actions and reactions
Mental Processes
Internal activities like thoughts and emotions
Educational Psychology
- Studies how people learn and retain information
- Explores teaching methods, instructional processes, and individual differences
Human growth and development
includes heredity, environment, physical, cognitive, social, and emotional growth
motivation, individual differences, reasoning, problem-solving, and transfer of training
Personality and adjustment
covers emotions, temperament, social interactions, and mental health
Measurement and evaluation
techniques for measuring intelligence, aptitudes, and learning outcomes
Methods of study
scientific methods, statistical techniques, and classroom applications
Descriptive research
case studies, clinical interviews, and correlational studies
Experimental studies
- Manipulating variables to identify cause-and-effect relationship
- Includes ABAB designs for interventions
Quasi-experimental studies
Involves predetermined variables like genders or socio-economic status
Applications of research
- explaining relationships between teaching methods and student performance
- studying the impact of social and environmental factors on learning
Student factors (Student achievement)
Self-concept, working memory, self-efficacy, engagement, etc.
Home factors (student achievement)
Socio-economic status, parental involvement, and home environment
School factors (student achievement)
school climate, leadership, and classroom behavior
Teacher factor (student achievement)
teacher-student relationship and expectations
Effect sizes
- quantitative measures showing the strength of relationships between variables
- ex: scaffolding (0.82), feedback (0.70), and mastery learning (0.57)
Visible learning
- a synthesis of over 800 meta-studies showed that teacher interventions improve learning outcomes
Educational policies and systems
- impact of acts like No Child Left Behind and Every Students Succeeds Act
- research contributes to personalized learning models and informed policy-making
Teacher’s role in achievement
- designing, conducting, and evaluating programs
- reflecting on their impact and adapting strategies for better outcomes