is a field of veterinary science concerned with optimization of meat technological processes, shelf-life of meat, manufacture of meat products and promotion of safety standards.
Meat Technology
The study of disease.
study of the pathology in meat of all edible vertebrate animals.
meat pathology
the opposite of ease, or “not at ease” when something is wrong with a bodily function
culmination of those various defects, deficiencies or excesses at the cell or tissue level which may ultimately express in a clinically apparent dysfunction.
abnormal microscopic and gross changes (and to include biochemical) in a cell, tissue, organ and system as a result of a disease. It also involves biochemical alterations.
this refers to any outside or inside influences in the animal or individual that would cause changes either in physiology and morphology of the cell.
is an abnormal elevated body temperature. It may be classified as septic and aseptic according to the presence or non presence of an infection.
the infection is caused by viruses, bacteria, bacterial toxins, protozoa and fungi.
septic fever
may be caused by a) tissue necrosis as seen in muscle degradation due to intermuscular injection of necrotizing substances, in rapidly growing tumours undergoing necrosis or lysis of burned tissue; b) by chemicals or surgery.
aseptic fever
is a morbid condition caused by the presence of pathogenic bacteria and their associated toxins in the blood.
any stimulus or succession of stimuli of such magnitude that tend to disrupt the homeostasis of the organism.
the maintenance of the steady state in an organism by coordinated physiological processes or feedback mechanisms
- the sequential development of disease.
- the step by step progression of disease from its onset to formation of lesion and clinical manifestations.
- the origin and course of development of disease.
refers to the capacity to produce a disease.
refers to the degree of pathogenicity or disease producing power of the organism.