Introduction Flashcards
What number do you call in an emergency if you’re hearing impaired
When are fist aiders obligated to render assistance in an emergency?
- They are involved in the incident
- They are on the ocean
- They choose to accept responsibility on land
- Employment that involves workplace health and safety or first aid provision
- Stopping at an emergency, by starting to help you establish duty of care
What number do you call in an emergency
What do you do if the person refuses first aid?
with duty of care should contact 000 for advise and remain at the scene until otherwise advised
How do you obtain consent?
- Prior providing aid to a ‘competent’ casualty aiders must first obtain their consent. If they beginning without consent then it may be seen as ‘medical trespass’(assault)
- When casualty is a minor consent must be provided by guardian. When guardian is absent the first aider should regard children as to having impaired decision making capacity.
When can you treat without consent?
- Whether the casualty has or does not have decision-making capacity
- Whether an advance care directive exists
- The degree of urgency to the situation
- Whether a substitute decision-maker is present, willing and able to consent
How do you maintain Privacy & Confidentiality
- Having crowd control
- Putting up a privacy screen
- If appropriate to do so, move casualty to a quiet area
- Cover up any exposed body parts eg. Emergency rescue bla
what do you need to record
- Time of incident
- The date of incident
- Location of incident
- What first aider found upon arrival
- What actions the first aider carried out
- Any changes in the casualty’s condition
- Any witness details
- Handover to medical professional’s details
Did the casualty recover and relieve the first aider of their duty of care
what is an adults average pulse
what is an 6 -14 yr old average pulse
60- 110
what is an 1 -5 yr old average pulse
what is an 1 -12 m old average pulse
What’s the order of Chain of Infection?
- Infectious Agent: Any disease causing micro-organism (pathogen)
- Portal of Exit: the route of escape of the pathogen from the reservoir eg. Salver, coughing, blood via cut
- Mode of Transmission: how the pathogen from the reservoir to it’s new host eg, propelled through air, direct contact
- Portal of Entry: The route in which the pathogen enters the new host brake in skin, inhalation, ingestion, sexual contact
- Susceptible Hosts: The organism that accepts the pathogen
What does DRSABCDR stand for?
D= danger R= response S=send for help A= airway B=breathing C= compression D= deep - defibrillator R= recover
What should first aid kits be equiped for in workforce?
Kit includes equipment for the following:
→ Cuts, scratches, punctures, grazes and splinters
→ Muscular sprains and strains
→ Minor burns
→ Amputations and or major bleeding wounds
→ Broken bones
→ Eye injuries
how do you check for response in a casualty?
Implement COWS → C - Can you hear me? → O- Open your eyes? → W- what is your name? S- Squeeze my hand?
what’s the free emergency app called
How to do CPR on infant
no head tilt, 30 compressions with two fingers 1/3 of body depth, 2 puffs over nose and mouth
How to do CPR on child 1-8 y
full head tilt, 30 compressions with one or two hands 1/3 of body depth, 2 shallow breath through nose or mouth
How to do CPR on adult
full head tilt, 30 compressions with two hands 1/3 of body depth, 2 full breath through nose or mouth
What to do when casualty’s chest doesn’t rise during rescue breathing
→ The head tilted back correctly
→ There is no foreign material in the air way
→ The seal of your mouth on the casualty’s mouth is firm
→ The nose has been blocked
Enough air is being blown
When would you stop CPR?
→ The casualty responds or begins to breathe normally
→ It is impossible to continue any further due to exhaustion
→ Medical professionals arrive and take over in performing CPR
→ Directions have been given by medical professionals to stop CPR
- The scene/ location becomes unsafe
how to place someone in recovery for an adult
→ Place both the casualty’s arms pointing away from you. The closest arm will be across the casualty’s chest
→ Raise the knee closest to you and bend it
→ Place one hand under the raised knee and other arm behind the casualties shoulder and remember to support the neck
→ Hold the hip so you can control the roll and not let them fall onto front
→ Gently turn them onto their side facing away from you. Bend up raised knee further to the front to ensure they don’t roll forward
→ Ensure their mouth is the lowest point so that the stomach contents are able to drain
→ Lift chin forward in open air way position and adjust head under the cheek as necessary
→ Continue monitoring DRS ABCD until an ambulance arrives
→ If injuries allow turn the casualty to the other side after 30min
how to place infant into recovery
→ Cradle the infant in arms with their head tilted downwards on there side to prevent from suffocating on their tongue or inhaling stomach contents
→ Monitor and record vital signs - level of response and breathing until medical help arrives
→ 1 handed recovery position can be used by placing your finders supporting babies neck and jaw
→ Baby should be facing towards ground
→ This position leaves hand free to make phone call
Be careful not to trip and fall while holding child
What’s the chain of survival
→ Early access
→ Early CPR
→ Early defibrillation
- Early advanced care