Introducing Sociology Flashcards
Inborn or natural
Way of life
Guidelines for behaviour
General principles or goals
the idea that the world is becoming increasingly interconnected and barriers are disappearing
anything that encourages individuals to conform to norms
Social control
ensuring members of society behave in ways that is expected of them
a group of people within society who share norm, values, beliefs and attitudes that are in some way different or opposed to the mainstream culture
the process by which an individual learns or internalises the culture of society
Primary socialisation
learning basic skills, language and norms and values at an early age, occuring usually within the family
Secondary socialisation
learning norms and values at a later stage in life at school and in wider society.
Status and role
a position in society
ascribed status
our position is determined by fixed characteristics that we are born with and cannot normally change
achieved status
when an individual’s position is the result of their effort and ability
structural view
society shapes the individual
social action view
individual creates society through their interaction
disagreement amongst groups
consensus perspective in sociology that sees society as based on shared values into which members are socialised. each part of society has a role to play to maintain the system as a whole
conflict perspective based on the ideas of Karl Marx. it sees society as divided into two opposed classes: bourgeoisie and proletariat (ruling class and working class)
a sociological perspective that focuses on women’s oppresion and the struggle to end it
a perspective that rejects the modernist’s belief in progress and their view that we can have certain, true knowledge of society that will enable us to improve it
social and cultural characteristics of men and women. gender differences in behaviour are cultural and learnt through gender role socialisation
ethnic group
people who share the same heritage, culture and identity, often including the same language and religion, and who see themselves as a a distinct group
social class
social groupings or hierarchy based on differences in wealth, income or occupation
social solidarity
individual members see themselves to be part of a single ‘body’ or community
structuralist theory
sees society as shaping the individual
social action theory
a sociological explanation that sees individuals as aving choice, creating social reality through interactions
social stratification
inequalities between groups such as social classes, men and women, ethnic groups and age groups
a system based on making a profit. this is conflict between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat
a set of beliefs that serve the interests of the dominant social group by justifying their privileged position
justifying something by making it seem fair and natural
means of production
owners of factories, machiney, raw materials, land etc
traditiona society
rural, agricultural society, there was little social change, a strong sense of community and religion dominated people’s view of the world
modern society
an urban-industrial society with social and technological change and a belief in progress and science
postmodern society
a post-industrial society in which change is increasingly rapid and uneven, and where people have lost faith in the ability of science to bring about progress
everyone has an equal chance to succeed in the education system. how well you do depends on how hard you try. rewards and status are acheived by their own efforts rather than ascribed
triple shift
housework, paid work and eomotion work - some sociologists argue that women carry this out
combining both structural and social action theories
using two or more methods so that they complement each other, the strengths of one countering the weaknesses of the other and vise versa