Family Diversity & Demography Flashcards
Bean pole family
family whose living members come from many generations, but with few members in each generation
living together as a partnership without marriage
confluent love
opposed to the ‘forever’ qualities of romantic love. people are often taking up separation or divorce, and there is less sexual exclusiveness in relationships.
legal ending of a marriage by a court
divorce rate
number of divorces per 1000 people per year
empty shell marriage
a marriage where all love has run dry and the couple are married in name only
gayby boom
the rise of same sex couples adopting children
the legal recognition of a relationship
marriage rate
number of marriages per 1000 people per year
the practice of marrying one person at a time.
neo conventional family
a term put foward by Robert Chester to describe how the nuclear family may have changed in form rather than died
plastic sexuality
when sex is freed from its association with childbirth altogether
marriage involving 2 or more wives or husbands
marriage involving 2 or more wives
marriage involving 2 or more husbands
not limited to one relationship at a time but they are all serious emotional commitments, not just casual sex
pure relationship
a relationship where there is a total acceptance on the part of each other ‘until further notice’
primary relationships
close, long lasting and special ties between people
reconstituted familes
family in which one or both partners bring children from a previous relationship
romantic love
the old fashioned form of love whereby the opposite sex would idealise the other
serial monogamy
when one moves from one relationship to another
Birth rate
Number of births per 1000 per year
Infant mortality rate
Number of deaths of babies under 1 years of age per 1000 per year
Death rate
Number of deaths per 1000 per year
Fertility rate
Number of live births per 1000 women between the ages of 15 and 44 years
Life expectancy
Average period that a person may expect to live
Movement of people from place to place
Movement of people into am area/society
Moment of people out of an area
Net migration
Immigration minus emigration
Dependency ratio
Relationship between those in employment and those dependent on them