Families and Households Flashcards
marxist term to describe the ruling class
parents try and push children in certain directions, for instance by giving them gendered clothing. term that can be used with feminism
a system of private ownership and profit
cereal packet family
a white middle class family often depicted on the back of cereal packets; nuclear in representation and nearly always characterised by two children - one female and one male
culture of dependency
new right term. a culture that is growing in society where people are dependant on the welfare state
difference feminists
they argue that we cannot generalise women’s experiences. all family types are different from one another, other feminists assume that women live in the conventional nuclear family and share similar experiences
dual burden
woman has to do paid work and unpaid work (housework)
ethic of care
a belief that the family retains a key role in ensuring welfare for its members
this describes looking at society through a white, middle class point of view. some theories can be accused of being ethnocentric, including functionalism and new right
being taken advantage of by something/someone. term used by feminists and marxists. feminists argue we are exploited by patriarchy, marxists by capitalism
expressive role
housewife who typically has to provide the emotional nurturing support in the family
false class consciousness
the working class do not realise that they are being exploited and think inequality is normal
the contribution made by a part to the maintenance of the system as a whole
a perspective which argues that society funtions well and that the family is a crucial part of this functioning society
gendered division of labour
husbands and wives have different roles/tasks