Intro to Treatment Planning Flashcards
What makes a good plan?
- Uniform dose to PTV (ICRU -> 95-107%)
- 95% Isodose conforms closely to shape of PTV
- Critical doses to OAR not exceeded
- Integral dose kept to a minimum
What can alter the dose distribution fo a plan?
- Treatchment techniwue
- Beam Arrangment
- Beam Energy
- Field Size
- Beam Weights
- MLCs, blocks, wedges
Treatment Technique:
Fixed FSD
- Patient is moved so that the skin is at a constant distance (100cm) for each beam orientation
- Patient is positioned so that fixed point is at the machine isocentre & machine is moved around patient. FSD vaires. No re-positioning between beams
Treatment Technique:
Fixed FSD: 10x10 field 1Gy prescribed to dmax SSD = 100
ISOCENTRIC: 10x10 field 1Gy prescribed to isocentre SSD = 90
Are the dose distributions the same?
- Fixed FSD has 10x10 at the surface, isocentre as 10x10 at the isocentre (midline) To irradiate the same area of the patient, the isocentric plan would need to be increased to 11x11
- PDDs fall off due to attenuation and ISL: Fall off due to attenuation is similar but the ISL will impact the isocentric set-up more because the patient is closer to the source
Treatment Technique:
Fixed FSD: 10x10 field 1Gy prescribed to midline SSD = 100
ISOCENTRIC: 11x11 field 1Gy prescribed to midline SSD = 90
Which plan requires more MUs?
Fixed SSD
- Patient is closer to source of radiation in isocentric plan, less ISL, hence more radiation reaching the midline, requires fewer MUs
- NB// as FSD increases, PDD increases but absolute dose goes down.
- NB// collimator setting was increased to irradiate same area of patient at midline
Treatment Technique:
Influence of SSD on PDD
SSD = 85cm, 100cm, 130cm
NB// field sizes adjusted to make 10x10 at surface and isodoses normalised to 100% at dma
- Smaller SSD means
- Reduced ISL attenuation
- Increased dose as depth, isodoses linealry moving downwards
NB// go over this in the ppt.
Beam Arrangement:
What do you need to think about?
- Where is PTV
- What shape is PTV?
- What are you entering through?
- What are you exiting through?
- Any other limitations e.g. collisions, couch etc.
Beam Energy:
Why does dmax get deeper with increasing energy?
Beam is more attenuating
Beam Energy:
Parallel opposed fields,
Larger patient separation, do you want 6 or 10MV?
- Parallel opposed, exit dose from one beam and entrance dose from other are summed
- Amount of dose is proportional to patient separation and beam energy
- 10MV would be attenuated less, and would have a higher exit dose, and greater dose at depth. This means you would need fewer MUs to provide the dose at midline.
- Also, 10MV means you would have more uniform depth dose profile and fewwer hotspots at skin
Feild Size:
How does field size affect isodose charts?
Small field sizes - a large part of field is made up of penumbra region. Isodose charts dramatically change shape, depending on source size, collimation etc.
Field Size:

As field size increases:
- Beam becomes more penetrating due to increased scatter
- Large field size (>10x10) flattening filter isn’t doing it’s job properly and it looks a bit horny at shallow depths
Dose profile for smallest field size is very peaked
Field Size
- Why does PDD increases with field size
- Will PDD keep increasing with increasing field-size?
- How will this change with energy, why?
- Increase in scatter at depth, hence PDD increases with field size
- Effect plateauxs out as field size becoems so large that additional scatter at the edges can’t travel far enough to contribute to central axis
- PDD has less dependence on field size for higher energies because the probability of scatter decreases with increasing energy (in MV photon range) & higher energy photons are scattered more in the forward direction
Why does the angle of the wedged isodose lines change with depth?
Wedged fields can be created using:
a) physical
b) motorised/universal
c) dynamic/virtual wedges
How do these different methods work?
Physical - wedges of different angles that you would go put in the beam
Universal - 60deg wedge that can be used in combination with open fields to create different wedge angles
Dynamic/virtual - move the jaws to create any wedge angle you like
How would you expect the PDD to change for a virtual/dynamic wedge?
PDD for physical wedge should be greater at depth because the beam has been hardened
Rule of thumb for wedge angles:
theta = (180-phi)/2
phi = hinge angle
Conventional = hard to get dose volume to conform to weird shapes of PTV
CRT = Collimator adjustment allows you to get the weird shape of the PTV but difficult to get complex dose distributions
IMCRT = Intensity modulated is the best