Intro to PT chapter 4 Flashcards
most local organization. Manly in more populated states. may not exist in small states.
organization that represents the profession of physical therapy in the united states.
“Boulding a community that advances the profession of physical therapy to improve the health of society.”
State level APTA organization that charges membership. 51 chapters. (DC)
provide an opportunity for members with similar areas of interest to meet confer and promote the interests of the respective sections. Students are permitted and encouraged to join.
18 exist. National level only.
Combined Sections Meeting
Held Annually in early Feb. Provides educational and business sessions for all sections. Extensive product demonstrations. Educational sessions.
Special interest groups
Formed within chapters, sections or assemblies. common in sections.
Similar to a section in that it provides a mechanism for members with common interests to meet and confer. My exist on state or national level. Student Assembly is only assembly that exists on the national level.
Student assembly
SPT and SPTA members - only assembly at national level.
American Council of Academic Physical Therapy
2013 - originated from Academic Administrators SIG. Composed of the program directors of the PT and PTA education programs.
“To advance the enterprise of academic physical therapy by promoting the highest standards of excellence.”
Board of Directors ( BOD)
Six officers of the APTA and ten directors. The President, vice President, Secretary,l Treasurer, Speaker of the HOD and Vice Speaker of the HOD.
Carries out the mandates of the
House of Delegates
Highest policy making body of the APTA. Elect members of the BOD.
Amend and repeal bylaws
Amend, suspend or rescind the standing rules
Adopt ethical principles
Modify or reverse decisions of the
400 members
used to be held in June, now
more than 180 staff members
Provide support for the activities of the sections, chapters and assemblies.
representation to outside agencies and federal government
American Board of Physical Therapy Residency and Fellowship Education
Accrediting board for residency and fellowship
Residency must be at least 1500 hours.
Fellowship programs 1000 hours.
American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties
Created by HOD in 1978.
Provide a formal mechanism for recognizing PTs with advanced knowledge, skills and experience in a special area of practice.
Board certification - written exam - license - 2000 hours in the specialty.
Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education
Accrediting professional PT and PTA education programs
independent of APTA but integrated
Foundation for Physical Therapy Research
promote and provide finance for research.
Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy
It exists to protect the public by promoting safe and competent physical therapy practice.
Licensing exams and practice acts.
Draws up practice acts.
Physical Therapy Licensure Compact
Reduces the regulatory requirements for interstate practice among member states.
World Confederation for Physical Therapy
Promotes health worldwide. APTA is one of 120 member organizations.
Physical Therapy Political Action Committee
Conducts fundraising to support legislation that addresses the interests of physical therapists at the federal level.
Physical Therapist Assistant Caucus
Replaced RBPTA
delegates from all chapters and dc.
Five members serve as nonvoting delegates to HOD