Intro To PID Flashcards
What are oblique symbionts?
They need a host
What is balanced pathogenicity?
Damage with recovery
What is unbalanced pathogenicity?
High damage and death
What is an infection?
Invasion and multiplication of micro organisms, eventually with disease
How do bacteria replication?
Binary fission
What is bacterial thrombosis?
Local use of nutrients/oxygen
What is facultative and obligate intracellular invasion do?
Cell lysis
What are virulence factors of invasion ?
Proteins that circumvent innate immunity
Iron uptake
Production of extracelluar enzymes
What type of antigen does the bacterial capsule contain?
K antigens
What are anatoxins?
Chemically treated toxins
What does a Type I exotoxins do?
Bind receptor, disturbance of cell wall metabolism
What does a type II exotoxins do?
Cell wall damage
What does a type III exotoxin do?
Intracellular toxins, A component goes inside, B component binds membrane
What is the function of LPS on gram negative bacteria?
Protection against toxic products and complement , acts as a endotoxin
What makes Gram positive bacteria toxic?
Liopteichoic acid
What do membrane vesicles contain?
Enzymes, exotoxins, DNA, signal molecules
What role do membrane vesicles play?
Pathogensis, signaling, toxic products, killing of competitors
What is part of the first line of defense in innate defense?
Iron uptake by cell wall proteins
What is the cellular mechanism of innate immunity?
NK cells
What are virulence factors against marcophages?
Extra cellular bacteria