Intro To Nervous, Arterial, And Lymphatic Systems Flashcards
From Powerpoint 4
Describe the CNS
-Brain and spinal cord
-Integrates and correlates incoming sensory information
-Generates thoughts and emotions
-Generates motor output
Describe PNS
Everything else
-Consists of nerves carrying information from sensory receptors in the PNS to the CNS
-Carries motor impulses from the CNS to the periphery (effectors)
Outline the basic structure of a neuron
-One nerve cell
-Consists of a cell body, dendrites and an axon
-Dendrites carry information to the cell body
-Axons carry information away from the cell body toward the axon terminal
Outline the basic structure of a nerve
-Bundle of hundreds-thousands of axons often with connective tissue and blood vessels
-Have defined targets
-Travel outside the brain and spinal cord
-Mixed sensory and motor function
Outline the basic structure of a spinal nerve
-Combination of anterior and posterior roots
-Carries both motor (exiting) and sensory (arriving) function
-Travels through IVF
-Splits into anterior and posterior primary rami
Describe the anterior primary rami
-Innervates the muscles and structures of the upper and lower limbs
-Innervates skin of the lateral and ventral surfaces of the trunk
Describe the posterior primary rami
-Innervates the deep muscles of the back
-Innervates skin of dorsal surface of the trunk
Describe the spinal cord
-Highway connecting brain and PNS
-Housed within vertebral canal
-Connective tissue called meninges covers spinal cord
-Further protected by cerebrospinal fluid
Describe dura matter of spinal (meningeal) sheaths
-Think, outmost covering
-Covers brain, brainstem, spinal cord, rootlets, and spinal nerves
-Continuous with epineurium
-Potential subdural space deep to dura matter
Describe arachnoid matter of spinal (meningeal) sheaths
-Middle Layer
-Loosely organized connective tissue with weblike appearance
-Deep to arachnoid layer is the subarachnoid space
-Subarachnoid space contains cerebrospinal fluid
Describe pia matter of spinal (meningeal) sheaths
-Deepest, innermost layer
-Very thin, transparent
-Associated with nerves, spinal cord, and brain
Describe anterior roots
-Originates from anterior aspect of spinal cord
-Carries outgoing motor information only
-No associated ganglion (collection of nerve cell bodies located outside of the CNS)
Describe posterior roots
-Originates from the posterior aspect of spinal cord
-Carries incoming sensory information only
-Has an associated ganglion which contains cell bodies of sensory neurons
Discuss the number of spinal nerves in each region of the spine
-Cervical: 8 pairs
-Thoracic: 12 pairs
-Lumbar: 5 pairs
-Sacral: 5 pairs
-Coccygeal: 1 pair
Define dermatome
-An area of skin supplied by a single spinal nerve
-Segmental innervation from the vertex to the toes
Discuss nerve plexuses
-Network of nerves with crossing axons from spinal nerve roots
-Allows individual nerve fibres from different parts of spinal cord to come together to extremities
-Allows overlap of innervation
-Brachial (right only), cervical, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal plexuses.
Discuss the 3 functions of the nervous system
-Sensation: detect internal and external stimuli
-Integration: process and analyze information, react to it and store
-Motor: respond to stimuli
Describe spinal sheaths
Three connective tissue coverings that protect the spinal cord
Describe the structure of the vascular system
-Consists of the heart with four chambers that pump blood into blood vessels
-Arteries carry blood away from heart
-Vein carry blood towards heart
-Capillaries connect arteries to veins and are the site of gas exchange
Discuss the function of the vascular system
-Supplies body’s tissues with oxygen, nutrients, minerals, electrolytes, etc.
-Removes waste products of metabolism
Why should RMT’s understand the vascular system?
-Must be able to modify treatment if patient has altered cardiac function
-Loss of vascularization to tissue results in decreased function
Discuss the 3 functions of the lymphatic system in the body
-Filters foreign particles from lymph
-Removes excess extracellular fluid from interstitial space
-Absorbs fat from intestine
Describe the lymphatic system
-Integral part of the immune system
-Lymph nodes along lymphatic vessels
-House lymphocytes (white blood cells)
-Nodes filter lymph into venous circulatory system
Describe the anatomy of the lymphatic system
-Lymph drains into venous system at neck
-Lymph vessels of right arm and trunk drain into right lymphatic duct
-Lymph vessels from rest of body drains into thoracic duct (left lymphatic duct)